Билингвы и книги на иностранных языках (1499)

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Alberti Cinzia Cordera Chiaro A2 - esercizi suppl.+cd audio
Alberti Cinzia Cordera Chiaro A2 - esercizi suppl.+cd audio Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 951327
Раздел: Книги на итальянском языке
Атрибут: 9788861822351
Chiaro! A2 - esercizi supplementari e una raccolta di esercizi pensati per praticare ulteriormente quanto appreso con Chiaro! A2. La scansione degli esercizi, infatti, segue di pari passo landamento d... Показать описаниеelle corrispondenti 10 lezioni del libro dello studente. Le attivita sono pensate per lautoapprendimento e il lavoro individuale, ma possono essere utilizzate anche in classe durante la lezione. Le soluzioni riportate in appendice permettono di verificare lesattezza delle risposte fornite. Particolare attenzione e dedicata alle attivita di comprensione orale e alla pratica della fonetica. Una selezione dei dialoghi presenti nel libro dello studente con nuovi esercizi di ascolto, oltre che nel CD audio allegato.
2 670.64 Добавить заказ
Alberti Cinzia Cordera Chiaro! B1 - esercizi suppl.+cd audio
Alberti Cinzia Cordera Chiaro! B1 - esercizi suppl.+cd audio Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 951328
Раздел: Книги на итальянском языке
Атрибут: 9788861822924
Chiaro! B1 - esercizi supplementari e una raccolta di esercizi pensati per praticare ulteriormente quanto appreso con Chiaro! B1. La scansione degli esercizi, infatti, segue di pari passo landamento d... Показать описаниеelle corrispondenti 10 lezioni del libro dello studente. Le attivita sono pensate per lautoapprendimento e il lavoro individuale, ma possono essere utilizzate anche in classe durante la lezione. Le soluzioni riportate in appendice permettono di verificare lesattezza delle risposte fornite. Particolare attenzione e dedicata alle attivita di comprensione orale e alla pratica della fonetica. Una selezione dei dialoghi presenti nel libro dello studente con nuovi esercizi di ascolto, oltre che nel CD audio allegato.
2 670.64 Добавить заказ
Albom Mitch For One More Day
Albom Mitch For One More Day Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 905315
Раздел: Книги на английском языке
Атрибут: 9780751537505
Albom tenderly explores the themes of family, divorce and regrets and the wish that we could have just one more day with a lost loved one. 'Every family is a ghost story. ' As a child, Charley Benetto... Показать описание was told by his father, 'You can be a mama's boy or a daddy's boy, but you can't be both. ' So he chooses his father, only to see him disappear when Charley is on the verge of adolescence. Decades later, Charley is a broken man. His life has been destroyed by alcohol and regret. He loses his job. He leaves his family. He hits rock bottom after discovering he won't be invited to his only daughter's wedding. And he decides to take his own life. Charley makes a midnight ride to his small hometown: his final journey. But as he staggers into his old house, he makes an astonishing discovery. His mother - who died eight years earlier - is there, and welcomes Charley home as if nothing had ever happened. What follows is the one seemingly ordinary day so many...
2 020.06 Добавить заказ
Albom Mitch The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto
Albom Mitch The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 909053
Раздел: Книги на английском языке
Атрибут: 9780751541212
At nine years old, Frankie Presto is sent to America in the bottom of a boat. His only possession is an old guitar and six precious strings. But Frankie's talent is unique, and his amazing journey wea... Показать описаниеves him through the musical landscape of the twentieth century, from classical to jazz to rock and roll, with his stunning talent affecting numerous stars along the way, including Hank Williams, Elvis Presley, Carole King and even Kiss. Frankie becomes a pop star himself. He makes records. He is adored. But his gift is also his burden, as he realises, through his music, he can actually affect people's futures -- with one string turning blue whenever a life is altered. At the height of his popularity, Frankie Presto vanishes. His legend grows. Only decades later does he reappear, to change one last life
2 160.42 Добавить заказ
Alborough Jez Duck in the Truck
Alborough Jez Duck in the Truck Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 897001
Раздел: Литература на английском языке для детей
Атрибут: 9780007302628
Watch out! Here comes Duck in a brand new edition of the first book in the million copy bestselling series! This is the tale of a duck in a truck - a truck that was stuck in some yucky brown muck. A s... Показать описаниеheep in a jeep and a frog in a bush saw the truck stuck and gave it a push. But the truck stayed stuck! What now, can you guess? Could a goat in a boat get them out of this mess?
1 536.10 Добавить заказ
Alcaraz Marion Edito niv. A1 - Livre + DVD-rom + Livre numerique
Alcaraz Marion Edito niv. A1 - Livre + DVD-rom + Livre numerique Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 968203
Раздел: Книги на французском языке
Атрибут: 9782278083183
Une demarche guidee de la grammaire et de la phonetique en 3 etapes: echauffement, fonctionnement, entrainement. une place toute particuliere faite au vocabulaire: nombreuses illustrations et activite... Показать описаниеs ludiques. Des pages "detentes" avec des jeux, des quiz, etc. + le CD mp3: des documents a fort contenu culturel. + Le DVD: des videos d'une grande variete de genres et de sources (reportages, films, documentaires).
3 874.83 Добавить заказ
Alcott Louisa May Favourite Stories of Courageous Girls
Alcott Louisa May Favourite Stories of Courageous Girls Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 904387
Раздел: Книги на английском языке
Атрибут: 9781444952315
English Русский Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 10.00. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
1 413.67 Добавить заказ
Alcott Louisa May LITTLE WOMEN, Alcott, Louisa May
Alcott Louisa May LITTLE WOMEN, Alcott, Louisa May Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 328209
Раздел: Литература на английском языке
Атрибут: 9780007350995
A heart-warming tale of love, sisterhood and hardship during the American Civil War, Little Women tells the story of the lovable March family. Meg, Beth, Jo and Amy try to support their mother at home... Показать описание while their father is away at war and enter into various scrapes and adventures as they do so. Alcott beautifully interweaves bad times and good as her characters struggle with the trials and tribulations of growing up and their relationships with one another. Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 9.50. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
319.05 Добавить заказ
Alcott Louisa May Little Men
Alcott Louisa May Little Men Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 887780
Раздел: Литература на английском языке для детей
Атрибут: 9780141366081
With two young sons of her own, and twelve rescued orphan boys filling the unusual school at Plumfield, Jo March - now Mrs Jo Bhaer - couldn't be happier. But the boys have a habit of getting into scr... Показать описаниеapes, and their mischievous antics call for the warm and affectionate support of the whole March family to help avoid disaster. The book includes a behind-the-scenes journey, including an author profile, a guide to who's who, activities and more. Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 10.00. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
1 906.43 Добавить заказ
Alcott Louisa May Little Men
Alcott Louisa May Little Men Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 962294
Раздел: Книги на английском языке
Атрибут: 978-5-17-155408-8
Маленькие мужчины
423.11 Добавить заказ
Alcott Louisa May Little Men
Alcott Louisa May Little Men Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 962295
Раздел: Книги на английском языке
Атрибут: 978-5-17-155413-2
Маленькие мужчины
356.11 Добавить заказ
Alcott Louisa May Little Men & Jos Boys'
Alcott Louisa May Little Men & Jos Boys' Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 577770
Раздел: Литература на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 978-1-84022-176-3
The two American classics here together in one volume, Little Men and Jo's Boys, are worthy sequels to Little Women, one of the best-loved children's stories of all time, and its continuation, Good Wi... Показать описаниеves. In Little Men, Louisa May Alcott takes up the story of the everyday dramas and exploits of the naughty but easy-going boys at Plumfield, now a boarding-school run by Professor Bhaer and his lovable madcap wife Jo, the most fiery and free-spirited of the four March sisters. Jo's Boys revisits the one-time members of that 'wilderness of boys' ten years later when they are making their ways in the world with varying degrees of triumph and disaster. Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 9.50. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
402.54 Добавить заказ
Alcott Louisa May Little Women
Alcott Louisa May Little Women Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 111514
Раздел: Литература на иностранном языке для детей
Атрибут: 978-5-7974-0483-5
Вниманию читателей предлагается полный, неадаптированный текст одного из самых популярных романов для юношества "Маленькие женщины" американской писательницы Олкотт Луизы Мей. В романе отражены детств... Показать описаниео и юность четырех сестер, их дружба, учеба и первые увлечения. Особый интерес представляют мастерски описанные быт и нравы Новой Англии. Издание рассчитано на широкий круг лиц, приступивших к изучению английского языка и нуждающихся в качественных и доступных текстах для его освоения. Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 8.88. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
386.40 Добавить заказ
Alcott Louisa May Little Women
Alcott Louisa May Little Women Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 887584
Раздел: Литература на английском языке для детей
Атрибут: 9780141321080
Puffin Classics: the definitive collection of timeless stories, for every child. I'll try and be what he loves to call me, 'a little woman,' and not be rough and wild, but do my duty here instead of w... Показать описаниеanting to be somewhere else. Meg is sweet-tempered. Jo is smart. Beth, shy. And Amy - sassy, stubborn and ambitious. Together they're the March sisters. Even though money is short, times are tough and their father is away at war, their infectious sense of fun sweeps everyone up in their adventures - including Laurie, the boy next door. A transatlantic feminist classic, Little Women celebrates the lives and choices of women in a world not designed to accommodate their dreams.
1 906.83 Добавить заказ
Alcott Louisa May Little Women
Alcott Louisa May Little Women Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 888073
Раздел: Художественная литература на англ. языке
Атрибут: 9780241335130
I'm not afraid of storms, for I'm learning how to sail my ship. ' Meg, Jo, Amy and Beth - four " Little Women " enduring hardships and enjoying adventures in Civil War New England The charming story o... Показать описаниеf the March sisters, Little Women has been adored by generations. Readers have rooted for Laurie in his pursuit of Jo's hand, cried over little Beth's death, and dreamed of travelling through Europe with old Aunt March and Amy. Future writers have found inspiration in Jo's devotion to her writing. In this simple, enthralling tale, both parts of which are included here, Louisa May Alcott has created four of American literature's most beloved women. The Penguin English Library - collectable general readers' editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century to the end of the Second World War. Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 10.00. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
1 666.92 Добавить заказ
Alcott Louisa May Little Women
Alcott Louisa May Little Women Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 891860
Раздел: Книги на английском языке
Атрибут: 9781784874322
One hundred and fifty years ago, at the request of her publisher, Louisa May Alcott sat down reluctantly to write 'a girls' book'. Knowing that, contrary to societys expectations, girls often had to b... Показать описаниеe brave, resourceful and bold, that the private lives of girls were colourful and surprising, Alcott wrote a book in which girls would recognise themselves. She drew on her own experiences and those of her impoverished New England family in writing her new novel, and declared, when she was finished, that it was better than she expected: 'Not a bit sensational, but simple and true, for we really lived most of it, and if it succeeds that will be the reason of it. ' Simple, true, and keenly resonant with life, spirit and affection, Little Women did succeed, delighting readers across the world, and it has never been out of print since its first publication in 1868. Whichever sister you are drawn to, be it sensible, romantic Meg or sweet, sunshiny Beth, whether you are burning... Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 10.00. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
3 521.56 Добавить заказ
Alcott Louisa May Little Women
Alcott Louisa May Little Women Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 897572
Раздел: Художественная литература на англ. языке
Атрибут: 9780008195540
Wouldn't it be fun if all the castles in the air which we make could come true, and we could live in them?' An endearing tale of hardship, love and sisterhood during the American Civil War, Little Wom... Показать описаниеen tells the story of the March family. Newly impoverished, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy undertake their journey through life together, bound to each other and their beloved mother Marmee by fierce loyalty. Good and bad times come and go as they struggle with the trials of growing up, getting along, and exploring life outside the comforting walls of home, each discovering her own distinct personality along the way. Full of charm and heart, Little Women is the first novel in a series cherished by children and adults alike. Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 10.00. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
1 232.15 Добавить заказ
Alcott Louisa May Little Women
Alcott Louisa May Little Women Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 898496
Раздел: Художественная литература на англ. языке
Атрибут: 9780008387846
How can you forge your own path in times of war, uncertainty and hardship? Meg longs for marriage, Amy wants to be a painter, Beth is content to stay at home, while Jo wants adventure and a life witho... Показать описаниеut limits. Four decidedly different sisters, growing up during the American Civil War, each facing their own unique challenge. Little Women tells the story of the March sisters. Through parties, travel, illness, arguments, dinners, love affairs and ice skating escapades, we follow these unforgettable women as they come of age. First published over 150 years ago, Little Women is a quintessential American classic which has become a stage and screen favourite ever since, capturing the hearts of millions of readers across the world. Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 10.00. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
1 289.58 Добавить заказ
Alcott Louisa May Little Women
Alcott Louisa May Little Women Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 899094
Раздел: Литература на английском языке для детей
Атрибут: 9780008514389
This beautiful HarperCollins Children's Classics edition of Louisa May Alcott's Little Women is the perfect addition to any bookshelf. During the hardships of the American Civil War, Meg, Jo, Beth and... Показать описание Amy March are facing Christmas without their father. Little Women is their story - a tale of four very different sisters, their adventures and ambitions, their relationship with their neighbour Laurie and ultimately their moving journey from girls to women. This charming and timeless story inspired by Louisa May Alcott's own life is not only one of the best-loved children's books of all time, but also one of the most widely read and bestselling novels in American literature. Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 10.00. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
1 474.44 Добавить заказ
Alcott Louisa May Little Women
Alcott Louisa May Little Women Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 899209
Раздел: Художественная литература на англ. языке
Атрибут: 9780008542153
Wouldn't it be fun if all the castles in the air which we make could come true and we could live in them?' A heart-warming tale of love, sisterhood and hardship during the New England Civil War, Littl... Показать описаниеe Women tells the story of the lovable March family. Meg, Beth, Jo and Amy try to support their mother at home while their father is away at war and enter into various scrapes and adventures as they do so. Alcott beautifully interweaves bad times and good as her characters struggle with the trials and tribulations of growing up and their relationships with one another. Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 10.00. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
1 474.44 Добавить заказ
Alcott Louisa May Little Women
Alcott Louisa May Little Women Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 963084
Раздел: Книги на английском языке
Атрибут: 9781840221947
Little Women is one of the best-loved childrens stories of all time, based on the authors own youthful experiences. It describes the family of the four March sisters living in a small New England comm... Показать описаниеunity. Meg, the eldest, is pretty and wishes to be a lady, Jo, at fifteen is ungainly and unconventional with an ambition to be an author, Beth is a delicate child of thirteen with a taste for music and Amy is a blonde beauty of twelve. The story of their domestic adventures, their attempts to increase the family income, their friendship with the neighbouring Laurence family, and their later love affairs remains as fresh and beguiling as ever. Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 10.00. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
2 944.05 Добавить заказ
Alcott Louisa May Little Women
Alcott Louisa May Little Women Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 965486
Раздел: Книги на английском языке
Атрибут: 9781788880817
Little Women describes the lives of the four March sisters - Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy - who live in a small New England community at the time of the American Civil War. It is a classic story of adventure... Показать описание, friendship and perseverance, which is perfect for children aged 8+.
1 900.80 Добавить заказ
Alcott Louisa May Little Women
Alcott Louisa May Little Women Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 969737
Раздел: Книги на английском языке
Атрибут: 9780147514011
Grown-up Meg, tomboyish Jo, timid Beth, and precocious Amy. The four March sisters couldn't be more different. But with their father away at war, and their mother working to support the family, they h... Показать описаниеave to rely on one another. Whether they're putting on a play, forming a secret society, or celebrating Christmas, there's one thing they can't help wondering: Will Father return home safely? Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 10.00. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
2 347.47 Добавить заказ
Alcott Louisa May Little Women  (HB)
Alcott Louisa May Little Women (HB) Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 699931
Раздел: Литература на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9781840227789
Little Women is one of the best-loved children's stories of all time, based on the author's own youthful experiences. It describes the family of the four March sisters living in a small New England co... Показать описаниеmmunity. Meg, the eldest, is pretty and wishes to be a lady, Jo, at fifteen is ungainly and unconventional with an ambition to be an author, Beth is a delicate child of thirteen with a taste for music and Amy is a blonde beauty of twelve. The story of their domestic adventures, their attempts to increase the family income, their friendship with the neighbouring Laurence family, and their later love affairs remains as fresh and beguiling as ever. Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 7.25. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
1 765.48 Добавить заказ
Alcott Louisa May Little Women & Good Wives
Alcott Louisa May Little Women & Good Wives Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 166976
Раздел: Литература на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 978-1-85326-116-9
Little Women is one of the best-loved children's stories of all time, based on the author's own youthful experiences. It describes the family life of the four March sisters living in a small New Engla... Показать описаниеnd community. Meg, the eldest, is pretty and wishes to be a lady, Jo,at fifteen is ungainly and unconventional with an ambition to be an author, Beth is a delicate child of thirteen with a taste for music and Amy is a blonde beauty of twelve. The story of their domestic adventures, their attempts to increase the family income, their friendship with the neighbouring Laurence family, and their later love affairs remains as fresh and beguiling as ever. Good Wives takes up the story of the March sisters, some three years later, when as young adults they must face up to the inevitable trials and traumas of everyday life in their search for individual happiness. Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 8.62. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
701.28 Добавить заказ
Alcott Louisa May Little Women & Good Wives/Маленьк.женщ.Хорош.жены
Alcott Louisa May Little Women & Good Wives/Маленьк.женщ.Хорош.жены Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 753260
Раздел: Литература на английском языке
Атрибут: 9781840227536
Little Women is one of the best-loved children's stories of all time, based on the author's own youthful experiences. It describes the family life of the four March sisters living in a small New Engla... Показать описаниеnd community, Meg, the eldest, is pretty and wishes to be a lady, Jo, at fifteen is ungainly and unconventional with an ambition to be an author, Beth is a delicate child of thirteen with a taste for music and Amy is a blonde beauty of twelve. The story of their domestic adventures, their attempts to increase the family income, their friendship with the neighbouring Lawrence family, and their later love affairs remains as fresh and beguiling as ever. Good Wives takes up the story of the March sisters, some three years later, when, as young adults, they must face up to the inevitable trials and traumas of everyday life in their search for individual happiness.
701.28 Добавить заказ
Alcott Louisa May Little Women/Маленькие женщины
Alcott Louisa May Little Women/Маленькие женщины Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 743179
Раздел: Книги на английском языке
Атрибут: 9781847495877
The four March sisters Meg, Jo, Amy and Beth live in financial hardship in New England with their mother, while their father has been drafted to fight in the Civil War. As the four come of age and the... Показать описаниеir distinct personalities develop, destiny has contrasting fortunes in store for them in the form of marriage, career, European travel or fatal illness but the bonds holding together the March family remain intact. Initially written as a novel for girls, Little Women is now regarded as an all-time American classic for both sexes and all ages, inspiring generations of women writers and giving rise to many adaptations.
1 699.50 Добавить заказ
Alcott Louisa May Little Women: Including Good Wives
Alcott Louisa May Little Women: Including Good Wives Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 844303
Раздел: Литература на английском языке для детей
Атрибут: 9781840228120
Little Women is one of the best-loved children's stories of all time, based on the author's own youthful experiences. It describes the family life of the four March sisters living in a small New Engla... Показать описаниеnd community. Meg, the eldest, is pretty and wishes to be a lady, Jo, at fifteen, is ungainly and unconventional with an ambition to be an author, Beth is a delicate child of thirteen with a taste for music and Amy is a blonde beauty of twelve. The story of their domestic adventures, their attempts to increase the family income, their friendship with the neighbouring Lawrence family and their later love affairs remains as fresh and beguiling as ever. This edition also includes the sequel, Good Wives, which takes up the story of the March sisters some three years later when, as young adults, they must face up to the inevitable trials and traumas of everyday life in their search for individual happiness. Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 10.00. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
979.76 Добавить заказ
Alcott Louisa May Obl 4: Little Women 3 Ed
Alcott Louisa May Obl 4: Little Women 3 Ed Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 950728
Раздел: Книги на английском языке
Атрибут: 9780194791755
Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR. When Christmas comes for the four... Показать описание March girls, there is no money for expensive presents and they give away their Christmas breakfast to a poor family. But there are no happier girls in America than Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy. They miss their father, of course, who is away at the Civil War, but they try hard to be good so that he will be proud of his 'little women' when he comes home. This heart-warming story of family life has been popular for more than a hundred years. Retold by John Escott. Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 10.00. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
1 861.90 Добавить заказ
Alcott Louisa May PEAR Little Women Bk/Multi-ROM with MP3 (1)
Alcott Louisa May PEAR Little Women Bk/Multi-ROM with MP3 (1) Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 962588
Раздел: Книги на английском языке
Атрибут: 9781292121444
Pearson English Active Readers is perfect for classrooms and group reading, the additional exercises and mini-projects encourage a more structured, in-depth reading experience. All titles are supporte... Показать описаниеd by an interactive MP3 with extra activities, resources and complete audio recordings. The four March sisters - Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy - have happy times, but have problems too. Read this story of family love in a difficult year for the sisters. 3,552 words. American English.
2 150.69 Добавить заказ
Alcott Louisa May Англ. яз. Библейские рассказы. Для детей (2 книги)
Alcott Louisa May Англ. яз. Библейские рассказы. Для детей (2 книги) Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 945953
Раздел: Книги на английском языке
Атрибут: 9785001633228
Состав комплекта: Луиза Мэй Олкотт / Louisa May Alcott Книга для чтения. Рассказы у прялки / Spinning-Wheel Stories. QR-код для аудио. Английский язык Логан Маршалл / Logan Marshall Книга для чтения. ... Показать описаниеЧудесная книга библейских рассказов / The Wonder Book of Bible Stories. QR-код для аудио. Англ. яз. В снежные зимние вечера, когда гулять невозможно, бабушка рассказывает внукам сказки и интересные истории о прошлом. 12 рассказов написаны простым языком и понравятся юным читателям. Книги выдающейся американской писательницы Луизы Мэй Олкотт и фильмы, снятые по ним, любят дети во всем мире. Откройте для себя рассказы, в которых оживает дух Америки XVIII и XIX веков, а их герои познают мир с помощью мудрой бабушки. Текст неадаптированный, без сокращений. Популярные сюжеты из Библии пересказаны для детей доступным языком. Уровень сложности А2-В1 позволяет использовать книгу для домашнего чтения и во внеурочной деятельности. Текст неадаптированный, без сокращений. Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 10.00. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
411.26 Добавить заказ
Alder Mark Son of the Night
Alder Mark Son of the Night Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 908952
Раздел: Книги на английском языке
Атрибут: 9780575115217
Following on from the success of Son of the Morning, which saw him compared to both Bernard Cornwell for the flair of his historical writing and to George RR Martin for his gripping plotting, Mark Ald... Показать описаниеer takes his history of the 100 years war into France as the war between Heaven and Hell swallows up the ambitions of both the French and English crowns. As the armies mass around Crecy the rivalries between Lucifer, Satan and God become ever deeper and more violent. Combining a cast of larger than life (yet real) characters and a truthful, deeply researched take on the religious beliefs of the time Mark Alder is embarked on a truly unique historical fantasy that will ensure you never see the 100 Years War and the history of medieval Europe in the same way again.
2 160.42 Добавить заказ
Alderman Naomi Doctor Who: Borrowed Time (Level 5)  +audio
Alderman Naomi Doctor Who: Borrowed Time (Level 5) +audio Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 770936
Раздел: Книги на английском языке
Атрибут: 9780241397886
Penguin Readers is a graded reading series for English Language Teaching (ELT) markets, designed for teenagers and young adults learning English as a foreign or second language. With carefully adapted... Показать описание text, new illustrations, language practise activities and additional online resources, the Penguin Readers series introduces language learners to bestselling authors and compelling content. Titles include popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction. Doctor Who: Borrowed Time, a Level 5 Reader, is B1 in the CEFR framework. The text is made up of sentences with up to four clauses, introducing present perfect continuous, past perfect, reported speech and second conditional. It is well supported by illustrations, which appear regularly. Andrew Brown works at a big international bank. He makes lots of money every day, but he never has enough time. Now, he might have found a way to borrow some. But, instead of making his life easier, more time...
1 087.66 Добавить заказ
Alderman Naomi Power, the (Baileys Women's Prize'17)'
Alderman Naomi Power, the (Baileys Women's Prize'17)' Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 599572
Раздел: Литература на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 978-0-670-91996-3
*WINNER of the THE 2017 BAILEYS WOMEN'S PRIZE FOR FICTION* What if the power to hurt were in women's hands? Suddenly - tomorrow or the day after - teenage girls find that with a flick of their fingers... Показать описание, they can inflict agonizing pain and even death. With this single twist, the four lives at the heart of Naomi Alderman's extraordinary, visceral novel are utterly transformed. Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 10.00. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
1 449.38 Добавить заказ
Alderman Naomi The Liars Gospel'
Alderman Naomi The Liars Gospel' Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 890064
Раздел: Художественная литература на англ. языке
Атрибут: 9780670919918
It begins and ends with a sacrifice. It was a time of brutal tyranny and occupation. Young men and women took to the streets to protest. Dictators put them down with iron force. Rumours spread. Rebels... Показать описание attacked the greatest empire the world had ever known. The empire gathered its forces to make those rebels pay. And in the midst of all of that, one preacher by the name of Jesus died. And either something miraculous happened or someone lied. This is the truth according to The Liars' Gospel.
2 144.96 Добавить заказ
Aldersey-Williams Hugh Periodic Tales. The Curious Lives of the Elements
Aldersey-Williams Hugh Periodic Tales. The Curious Lives of the Elements Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 886968
Раздел: Нехудожественная литература на английском языке
Атрибут: 9780141041452
Everything in the universe is made of them, including you. Like you, the elements have personalities, attitudes, talents, shortcomings, stories rich with meaning. Here you'll meet iron that rains from... Показать описание the heavens and noble gases that light the way to vice. You'll learn how lead can tell your future while zinc may one day line your coffin. You'll discover what connects the bones in your body with the Whitehouse in Washington, the glow of a streetlamp with the salt on your dinner table. Unlocking their astonishing secrets and colourful pasts, Periodic Tales is a voyage of wonder and discovery, showing that their stories are inextricable from the stories of our own lives.
2 621.23 Добавить заказ
Alderson Sarah In Her Eyes
Alderson Sarah In Her Eyes Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 910090
Раздел: Книги на английском языке
Атрибут: 9781473681842
You're at home with your family. You think you're safe. You're wrong. Ava's life is the kind other people envy: loving husband, great kids, beautiful house. Until the night a violent home invasion tur... Показать описаниеns the dream into a nightmare, and leaves her beautiful daughter fighting to survive. And then things get worse. Ava realises that the attack wasn't random. Someone is targeting her family. Why? Who could hate them enough to kill? Ava must find out what really happened that night, to save those she loves from even greater danger. But when everyone around you has been lying, how do you decide who to trust? And Ava has secrets of her own.
1 942.59 Добавить заказ
Alderson Sarah The Cabin in the Woods
Alderson Sarah The Cabin in the Woods Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 899187
Раздел: Художественная литература на англ. языке
Атрибут: 9780008531584
In a cabin in a wood, A woman by the window stood. Glancing out, she thought she heard Footsteps, whistling, something stirred. Hiding here, she fears the night, For whats done in the dark will come t... Показать описаниеo light. She must run fast to escape her lie Or shell be the next to die The unmissable new thriller from the USA Today bestselling master of edge-of-your-seat reading and screenwriter of Netflix Original movie, The Weekend Away.
1 474.44 Добавить заказ
Alderson Sarah The Stalker
Alderson Sarah The Stalker Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 898560
Раздел: Художественная литература на англ. языке
Атрибут: 9780008400040
Youre looking over your shoulder, thinking someones watching. Youre checking the doors are locked, spooked by a noise. Youre running through the woods, convinced youre being followed. Youre being stal... Показать описаниеked. And they wont stop until youre theirs.
1 474.44 Добавить заказ
Alderson Sarah The Weekend Away
Alderson Sarah The Weekend Away Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 898559
Раздел: Художественная литература на англ. языке
Атрибут: 9780008400019
Two friends go on holiday. Only one comes back. Orla and Kate have been best friends forever. Together they've faced it all - be it Orla's struggles as a new mother or Kate's messy divorce. And whatev... Показать описаниеer else happens in their lives, they can always look forward to their annual weekend away. This year, they're off to Lisbon: the perfect flat, the perfect view, the perfect itinerary. And what better way to kick things off in style than with the perfect night out? But when Orla wakes up the next morning, Kate is gone. Brushed off by the police and with only a fuzzy memory of the night's events, Orla is her friend's only hope. As she frantically retraces their steps, Orla makes a series of shattering discoveries that threaten everything she holds dear. Because while Lisbon holds the secret of what happened that night, the truth may lie closer to home
1 658.87 Добавить заказ
Alderson Suzanne Never Let Go: How to Parent Your Child Through …
Alderson Suzanne Never Let Go: How to Parent Your Child Through … Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 892076
Раздел: Нехудожественная литература на английском языке
Атрибут: 9781785043314
How to help your child with mental illness through partnering, not parenting. Never Let Go is a supportive and practical guide for parents looking after a child with a mental illness. Suzanne Alderson... Показать описание understands the agonising struggle of bringing a child back from the brink of suicide, having spent three years supporting her own daughter through recovery. Her method of partnering, not parenting has now helped thousands of other parents through her charity, Parenting Mental Health. Combining Suzanne's honest personal experience with expert input from psychologists, this book provides parents with the methods and knowledge they need to support, shield and strengthen their child as they progress towards recovery. Chapters include a background to the mental health epidemic, why a new method of parenting is crucial, how to change your thinking about mental health and practical advice on solutions to daily problems including accepting the new normal, dealing with...
3 111.62 Добавить заказ
Alderton David Dogs
Артикул: 986719
Раздел: Книги на английском языке
Атрибут: 9780241558546
An extensive and clear recognition guide to over 300 dog breeds from around the world. Introducing Handbook of Dogs - a comprehensive and concise pocket guide to dogs from all over the world. Authorit... Показать описаниеative text, crystal-clear photography, and a systematic approach, make this an incredibly comprehensive and concise pocket guide to dogs of the world. Have you ever seen an adorable dog in the park or in a car window and desperately wondered what breed it was? Then this book may be for you! This handy reference book is designed to cut through the process of identification and help you to recognise a breed quickly and easily
1 968.32 Добавить заказ
Aleichem Sholem Tevye the Dairyman and Motl the Cantors Son'
Aleichem Sholem Tevye the Dairyman and Motl the Cantors Son' Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 973699
Раздел: Книги на английском языке
Атрибут: 9780143105602
Tevye is the compassionate, lovable, Bible-quoting dairyman from Anatevka, and Tevye the Dairyman is a heartwarming and poignant account of life in turn-of-the-century Russia. Through the workaday wor... Показать описаниеld of a rural dairyman, his grit, wit, and heart, his daughters' courtships and marriages, and the eventual menace of the pogroms, Sholem Aleichem reveals the fabric of a now-vanished world. Motl is the clear-eyed, spirited, mischievous boy who narrates Motl the Cantor's Son, a comic novel about his emigration with his family from Russia to America. It is a journey that mirrors a larger exodus, telling the story of the disintegration of traditional Jewish life and the beginning of a new chapter of Jewish history in America.
2 349.80 Добавить заказ
Alex et Zoe + 2 A1.2 Cahier dactivites'
Alex et Zoe + 2 A1.2 Cahier dactivites' Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 972600
Раздел: Книги на французском языке
Атрибут: 9782090384291
Cahier d'activites dans la collection Alex et Zoe, methode de francais langue etrangere (FLE), pour les enfants, niveau 2 (A1. 2). Apprendre le francais avec l'univers familier des contes, des fables ... Показать описаниеet des romans d'aventures. Alex et Zoe + c'est: un livre de l'eleve avec un livret de civilisation et un CD mp3 (chansons, comptines, et entrainement au DELF Prim A1. 2) un cahier d'activites avec un entrainement au DELF Prim A1. 2 un cahier de decouvertes culturelles un guide pedagogique enrichi et actualise avec 14 nouvelles evaluations un coffret de CD audio pour la classe (livre de l'eleve + evaluations) un cahier de lecture par niveau (niveau 2: Alex et Zoe en vacances) Les + numeriques: un espace digital en libre acces (alex-et-zoe. cle-international. com) avec 120 activites interactives + un portfolio telechargeable des versions numeriques interactives pour la classe et pour les eleves
2 255.54 Добавить заказ
Alex et Zoe + 3 A1 Cahier dactivites'
Alex et Zoe + 3 A1 Cahier dactivites' Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 972602
Раздел: Книги на французском языке
Атрибут: 9782090384314
Cahier d'activites dans la collection Alex et Zoe, methode de francais langue etrangere (FLE), pour enfants, niveau 3 (A1). Apprendre le francais avec l'univers familier des contes, des fables et des ... Показать описаниеromans d'aventures. Alex et Zoe + c'est: un livre de l'eleve avec un livret de civilisation et un CD mp3 (chansons, comptines, et entrainement au DELF Prim A1) un cahier d'activites avec un entrainement au DELF Prim A1 un cahier de decouvertes culturelles un guide pedagogique enrichi et actualise avec 14 nouvelles evaluations un coffret de CD audio pour la classe (livre de l'eleve + evaluations) un cahier de lecture par niveau (niveau 1: Alex et Zoe font le tour du monde) Les + numeriques: un espace digital en libre acces (alex-et-zoe. cle-international. com) avec 120 activites interactives + un portfolio telechargeable des versions numeriques interactives pour la classe et pour les eleves
2 271.13 Добавить заказ
Alex et Zoe + 3 A1 Livre de leleve + CD'
Alex et Zoe + 3 A1 Livre de leleve + CD' Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 972601
Раздел: Книги на французском языке
Атрибут: 9782090384307
Livre de l'eleve dans la collection Alex et Zoe, methode de francais langue etrangere (FLE), pour les enfants, niveau 3 (A1). Apprendre le francais avec l'univers familier des contes, des fables et de... Показать описаниеs romans d'aventures. Alex et Zoe + c'est: un livre de l'eleve avec un livret de civilisation et un CD mp3 (chansons, comptines, et entrainement au DELF Prim A1) un cahier d'activites avec un entrainement au DELF Prim A1 un cahier de decouvertes culturelles un guide pedagogique enrichi et actualise avec 14 nouvelles evaluations un coffret de CD audio pour la classe (livre de l'eleve + evaluations) un cahier de lecture par niveau (niveau 3: Alex et Zoe font le tour du monde) Les + numeriques: un espace digital en libre acces (alex-et-zoe. cle-international. com) avec 120 activites interactives + un portfolio telechargeable des versions numeriques interactives pour la classe et pour les eleves
2 859.10 Добавить заказ
Alexander Dominique Jar Food. Recipes for On-the-Go
Alexander Dominique Jar Food. Recipes for On-the-Go Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 899862
Раздел: Нехудожественная литература на английском языке
Атрибут: 9781911216766
Take wholesome food with you every day whatever you are doing. Whether it is having breakfast on the go or taking ten minutes for a breath of fresh air and a quick snack in the afternoon, Jar Food is ... Показать описаниеfull of simple, delicious recipes that you can make with minimal effort. Recipes in the book take you through all the seasons and the great thing about making your own breakfasts and lunches is that the recipes are crying out to be chopped and changed with any ingredient you prefer. From breakfast ideas that include Coconut & Chia Overnight Oats, Super Green Super Smoothie and Cranberry and Almond Bircher Muesli to main meals suggestions from layered Sushi Jar, Pomegranate Pilaf, and Mediterranean Falafel Salad - classic recipes (some with a twist) will keep you going throughout the day or refuel you after a long one. And for anyone in need of a mid-morning pickup, Chocolate Orange Energy Balls will satisfy the sweet tooth without feeling too guilty. But if you're looking to go all...
1 843.31 Добавить заказ
Alexander Heather Amazing Stardust Friends, The #2: Be A Star!
Alexander Heather Amazing Stardust Friends, The #2: Be A Star! Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 919967
Раздел: Книги на английском языке
Атрибут: 9780545757546
The circus is going to Hollywood! This series is part of Scholastic's early chapter book line called Branches, which is aimed at newly independent readers. With easy-to-read text, high-interest conten... Показать описаниеt, fast-paced plots, and illustrations on every page, these books will boost reading confidence and stamina. Branches books help readers grow! The Stardust Girls - Marlo, Bella, Carly, and Allie - are all abuzz! A film crew from Hollywood is doing a piece on the circus. Allie loves being in the circus, but she'd love to be a Hollywood star, too! She tries to impress the film crew by becoming the star of the show. But in the circus, everyone works together as a team. And Marlo, Bella, and Carly don't like how Allie is hogging the spotlight. Will Allie get her big Hollywood break?
1 165.80 Добавить заказ
Alexander K. R. Collected, The
Alexander K. R. Collected, The Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 919168
Раздел: Книги на английском языке
Атрибут: 9781338620702
It's been five years since Josie squared off against the evil Beryl and her killer haunted dolls. She hasn't talked about it since, and likes to pretend it didn't happen. Too bad she didn't tell her y... Показать описаниеounger sister, Anna. Because Anna is now the one being drawn in to the evil-and the evil has some new tricks this time.
1 555.03 Добавить заказ
Alexander K. R. Fear Zone 2, The
Alexander K. R. Fear Zone 2, The Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 918975
Раздел: Книги на английском языке
Атрибут: 9781338702132
They thought the fears were gone. They thought the nightmares would stop haunting them. But the five of them were wrong. They're older now. They're friends. But that friendship can be shattered so eas... Показать описаниеily when life turns scary again. It was bad enough when it was just clowns and sharks and snakes. Back then, they had to conquer their own fear. Now. they have to conquer everyone else's.
1 555.03 Добавить заказ
Alexander K. R. Haunt Me
Alexander K. R. Haunt Me Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 919447
Раздел: Книги на английском языке
Атрибут: 9781338338843
It was supposed to be a normal winter sleepover. Hot chocolate and pillow forts and scary movies. But Jessica's friends had other things in mind. They bring out a board game that is supposed to help y... Показать описаниеou talk to the dead, and Jessica wants nothing more than to communicate with her recently deceased sister, Mary. She gets her wish. Mary responds. And in the days that follow, it becomes clear that Mary isn't the sweet girl she was in life. Jessica's friends start getting hurt. Her enemies at school get really hurt. Soon, Jessica is trapped in her own house by this vengeful poltergeist, and she must confront both her sister and the wrongs between them to end the evil for good.
1 360.41 Добавить заказ
Alexander L. G. K’s First Case
Alexander L. G. K’s First Case Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 764006
Раздел: Книги на английском языке
Атрибут: 9781405881913
Katrina Kirby is a detective. People call her 'K'. There has been a murder in a big country house. 'K' knows that one of five people murdered Sir Michael Gray. Who did it? How? Why? This is a detectiv... Показать описаниеe story with a difference: 'K' needs your help with her case.
2 110.94 Добавить заказ
Alexander Lori Future Astronaut
Alexander Lori Future Astronaut Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 919504
Раздел: Книги на английском языке
Атрибут: 9781338312225
This series takes a playful peek into an assortment of powerful careers and shows little ones how their current skills match up with the job at hand. With Future Baby, babies can be anything!
1 749.64 Добавить заказ
Alexander Penny Be Happy Be You. The teenage guide to boost happin
Alexander Penny Be Happy Be You. The teenage guide to boost happin Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 898386
Раздел: Литература на английском языке для детей
Атрибут: 9780008367565
This positive and insightful guide gives you the tools to build your confidence, eliminate negative feelings and boost happiness in all areas of your life. Being a teenager has its own unique challeng... Показать описаниеes, but it's also the perfect time to shape your own mental wellbeing and happiness. Scientists reckon 40% of your happiness is within your control, that's a lot of happiness and this book will help you to harness it There are tons of ideas to try from creating an anxiety toolkit, to planning a digital detox and meditating, plus you'll learn the science behind why they work. Carry out the activities by yourself or with family and friends and take your happiness into your own hands!
1 843.31 Добавить заказ
Alexander Sara The Last Concerto
Alexander Sara The Last Concerto Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 897848
Раздел: Художественная литература на англ. языке
Атрибут: 9780008273712
Will Alba find the music of her heart? Sardinia, 1968. When eleven-year-old Alba Fresu witnesses her father and brother kidnapped by bandits, her previously happy and secure family life is shaken to t... Показать описаниеhe core. The pair are eventually released, but the experience leaves Alba deeply disturbed, unable to give voice to her inner turmoil. While accompanying her mother to cleaning jobs, Alba visits the villa of an eccentric Signora and touches the keys of a piano for the first time. She is transported to another world, one where she can finally express emotion too powerful for words alone. She takes secret piano lessons and, against her parents wishes, accepts a scholarship to the Rome conservatoire. There she immerses herself in the vibrant world of the city, full of heat and passion shes never experienced before and embarks on an affair that will change the course of her life forever. But Alba soon reaches a crossroads, and must decide how to...
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