Словари и разговорники (1492)

Орг.сбор Орг.сбор: 17%Ориентировочный срок поступления заказов 21 дн.Дата стопа 20.05.2024 08:00 Статус закупки Закрыт Условия СП Условия СП Инструкции Инструкции
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20.05.2024 09:09:29Уважаемые участники, для сбора необходимой суммы минимального заказа Ваши заказы будут перенесены в новую закупку. Вы сможете отклонить или подтвердить перенос заказов в личном кабинете. Буду рада видеть Вас в новой закупке.
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Ориентировочный срок поступления заказов на ПВЗ или до Распределительного центра - 21 дней с момента СТОПа закупки.

Страна-производитель: Россия, Китай.

Все товары, доступные для заказа, внесены в систему.

Принят, можно редактировать -принят, можно отредактировать; Принят, редактирование невозможно -принят, редактирование невозможно; Отсутствует в текущем прайсе -отсутствует в текущем прайсе; Отправлен поставщику -отправлен поставщику; Наличие подтверждено -наличие подтверждено; Нет в наличии -нет в наличии; В оффере -в оффере; Заказано другим пользователем, ожидает подтверждения -заказано другим пользователем, ожидает подтверждения; Заказано другим пользователем -заказано другим пользователем;
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Oxf Popular School Dictionary
Oxf Popular School Dictionary Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 610531
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 978-0-19-911874-8
The Popular School dictionary has over 40, 000 words and phrases, with simple meanings and example phrases show how words are used. It includes words from the curriculum, international vocabulary and ... Показать описаниеnew words from ICT. It is ideal for quick word look-up at home. Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 3.00. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
2 892.33 Добавить заказ
120 000 слов Большой толковый словарь рус.яз (тв)
120 000 слов Большой толковый словарь рус.яз (тв) Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 681308
Раздел: Словари русского языка
Атрибут: 9785906710697
Однотомный толковый словарь русского языка содержит 120 000 слов и фразеологических выражений (считая заголовочные слова, производные слова, помещенные в словообразовательном гнезде, и фразеологически... Показать описаниее выражения и идиомы, следующие за знаком +). Слова и фразеологизмы, заключенные в словаре, относятся к общелитературной русской лексике, а также к взаимодействующим с ней специальным сферам языка: в словаре широко представлена также просторечная лексика, употребительная в литературе и в разговорной речи. Словарная статья включает толкование значения, характеристику строения многозначного слова, примеры употребления, сведения о сочетаемости слова, грамматические и акцентологические (в необходимых случаях также орфоэпические) характеристики слова. Словарная статья сопровождается описанием тех фразеологических выражений, которые порождены этим словом либо так или иначе с ним связаны.
358.90 Добавить заказ
35 000 слов. Немецко-рус, русско-нем. словарь
35 000 слов. Немецко-рус, русско-нем. словарь Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 702337
Раздел: Двуязычные словари
Атрибут: 978-5-9067-1075-8
Переработанное издание словаря К. Несслера адресовано в первую очередь учащимся основной средней школы и старшеклассникам, и включает в себя около 35 тысяч слов и выражений, специально отобранных сост... Показать описаниеавителями. Каждая словарная статья снабжена современной транскрипцией, позволяющей легко "транслировать" в устную речь немецкие слова, фразы и словосочетания посредством специального алфавита. Подобная фонетическая транскрипция содержится в обеих частях книги. Издание также дополнено кратким грамматическим приложением. В словаре используется стандартный удобочитаемый шрифт, оптимальный для учащихся.
145.50 Добавить заказ
45 000 слов. Немецко-рус, русско-нем. словарь
45 000 слов. Немецко-рус, русско-нем. словарь Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 626714
Раздел: Двуязычные словари
Атрибут: 978-5-906710-10-9
Предлагаемый словарь содержит 45 тысяч слов и словосочетаний, и адресован широкому кругу учащихся школ, колледжей, средних специальных и высших учебных заведений. Он также будет полезен всем, кто жела... Показать описаниеет изучать немецкий язык самостоятельно. Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 5.00. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
228.92 Добавить заказ
600 актуальных терминов экономики и бизнеса
600 актуальных терминов экономики и бизнеса Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 984370
Раздел: Словари русского языка
Атрибут: 978-5-00172-565-7
Учебный терминологический словарь содержит более 600 терминов экономики и бизнеса, банковско-финансовой деятельности, торговли и рекламы. Многие из терминов вошли в активное употребление в начале ХХI ... Показать описаниевека и впервые описаны в учебном словаре (кешбэк, стартап, директ-маркетинг, каршеринг, криптовалюта, цифровизация, голубые фишки, самозанятость, фрилансер). В словаре даётся объяснение значения термина, указывается его грамматическая характеристика, приводятся примеры использования термина в профессиональной коммуникации. Источником иллюстративных примеров стали тексты из вузовских учебных пособий по экономике и бизнесу и материалы современных российских СМИ, посвященные экономическим проблемам. Словарь включает два приложения. Приложение I содержит словарь аббревиатур (сокращённых названий), используемых в сфере экономики и бизнеса. Приложение II содержит справочник российских и международных организаций, связанных с финансово-экономической деятельностью. Учебный терминологический...
1 728.00 Добавить заказ
85 000 слов Толковый словарь русского языка (тв)
85 000 слов Толковый словарь русского языка (тв) Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 681313
Раздел: Словари русского языка
Атрибут: 9785906710666
Предлагаемое вашему вниманию издание является сокращенной версией популярного толкового словаря русского языка под редакцией Д. Н. Ушакова. Здесь содержится около 85 тысяч слов и словосочетаний соврем... Показать описаниеенного русского языка. При подготовке книги учитывались современные требования: из прежней редакции словаря убраны устаревшие, малоупотребительные слова и выражения. При сохранении основных лексикографических принципов словаря в него добавлены новые термины и значения, изменено толкование некоторых слов.
250.26 Добавить заказ
Arabic Dictionary. Essential Edition
Arabic Dictionary. Essential Edition Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 897827
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780008270681
The home of trusted Arabic dictionaries for everyday language learning. A handy and affordable Arabic to English and English to Arabic dictionary including short grammars of Arabic and English. The cl... Показать описаниеear layout allows for fast and easy access when you most need it. Ideal for use on the go, at home, in the office, classroom or on holiday. 24,000 translations. Designed for all those studying Arabic who need maximum information in a handy travel format. Offers comprehensive and up-to-the-minute coverage of Arabic and English, with additional notes warning the user of those words which are easily confused. Delivers the accuracy and reliability you expect from the Collins name. With natural, idiomatic example phrases, in-depth treatment of the most important core vocabulary and help to find the exact translation you want.
1 255.95 Добавить заказ
Ayto John Dictionary of Modern Slang .
Ayto John Dictionary of Modern Slang . Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 348848
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 978-0-1992-3205-5
Drawing on the unique resources of the Oxford English Dictionary and offering coverage of over 6,000 slang words and expressions from the Cockney 'abaht' to the American term 'zowie', this is the most... Показать описание authoritative dictionary of slang from the 20th and 21st centuries. The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Slang is a fascinating and entertaining collection, packed with illustrative quotations and providing full details of origins and dates of first printed use. The text contains expressions from around the English-speaking world such as 'dork' and 'cockamamie' (North America) and 'giggle-house' and 'Jimmy Woodser' (Australia). As well as the A-Z listing of terms, the book contains a comprehensive thematic index, enabling users to home in on particular areas of interest, such as the body, food and drink, and human behaviour. Full of surprises, this is an essential read for word lovers and anyone with an interest in language. Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 10.00. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
2 635.10 Добавить заказ
Bannock Graham The Penguin Dictionary of Economics
Bannock Graham The Penguin Dictionary of Economics Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 887017
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780141045238
The Penguin Dictionary of Economics explains a host of economic terms, from acceleration principle to venture capital, Euro to X-efficiency, globalisation to zero-sum game. The eighth edition has been... Показать описание fully revised and updated to include those terms that have become so familiar since the global recession begun ('quantitative easing' and 'sub-prime' among them), but whose meanings escape most of us. Wide-ranging and accessible, this detailed practical and international guide will be indispensable for students of economics and professionals (in business, finance or the public sector), and for anyone wishing to follow economic discussions in the media today.
2 819.79 Добавить заказ
Booth Thomas Illustrated English Dictionary
Booth Thomas Illustrated English Dictionary Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 916384
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780241543788
Learn more than 10,000 of the most useful English words and phrases with this engaging visual dictionary for English learners aged 6-9. Accompanying the English for Everyone Junior: Beginner's Course,... Показать описание this beautifully illustrated workbook features an abundance of vocabulary and grammar exercises for children learning English as a foreign language. Captivating and clear illustrations are used to show English language words and phrases in a visual context, making this dictionary essential for any English language learner! The words are shown in themed sections covering practical everyday topics, providing you with all the vocabulary you need to work, travel, shopping, and leisure. When it comes to languages, practice really does make perfect! This workbook guides young linguistic learners through exercises and activities to consolidate what they've learned and build confidence in their skills. The Illustrated English Dictionary includes: -A...
5 117.43 Добавить заказ
COBUILD Learner’s Dictionary
COBUILD Learner’s Dictionary Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 986599
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780008607760
The fifth edition of the Collins Cobuild Learner's Dictionary has been revised and updated to include detailed coverage of today's English in a clear, attractive format. Ideal for intermediate level l... Показать описаниеearners of English, and with full-sentence definitions written in simple, natural English, this dictionary is easy to use and understand. Thousands of updated examples of real English, taken from the 4. 5-billion-word Collins Corpus, show learners how the words are used in authentic contexts. This dictionary covers all the essential words, phrases, and idioms that students at this level need to learn and provides help with grammar and usage. Additional information on collocations and synonyms is provided throughout the dictionary to help learners improve their fluency and confidence in using English. Informative and relevant vocabulary panels show how words are used in a range of everyday contexts. In addition, this dictionary offers learners guidance on how to communicate...
3 613.10 Добавить заказ
COBUILD Phrasal Verbs Dictionary
COBUILD Phrasal Verbs Dictionary Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 986267
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780008375461
This new edition of the Collins Cobuild Phrasal Verbs Dictionary offers comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of the most important phrasal verbs in English. Collins Cobuild Phrasal Verbs Dictionary g... Показать описаниеives learners of English detailed help with this often tricky area of the English language. Revised and updated to reflect changes in the English language, this new edition provides learners with detailed information on phrasal verbs in a language that is easy to understand. With new phrasal verbs and updated examples from the Collins Corpus, this edition is packed with information on how phrasal verbs work, what they mean and how to use them. The dictionary also includes an index of 200 single-word verbs and their phrasal verb equivalents, plus information on when you should use a single-word verb (for example, in academic writing) and when a phrasal verb would be more appropriate (for example, during an informal conversation with a friend). There are also collocations...
2 396.43 Добавить заказ
Cambridge Essential Eng Dict 2nd Ed Ppr
Cambridge Essential Eng Dict 2nd Ed Ppr Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 700677
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780521170925
A small, low-level monolingual English dictionary for beginners and pre-intermediate learners of English. Using a learner's dictionary for the first time can be daunting, but the Cambridge Essential E... Показать описаниеnglish Dictionary makes that first step easier for learners with short definitions that are easy to understand, and lots of example sentences to put the language into context. Mapped to a ground-breaking research programme, English Profile, this brand new edition of the Cambridge Essential English Dictionary now clearly marks essential vocabulary that students need to know at A1-B1 levels and helps students successfully prioritise learning. Ideal for KET, PET and Starters, Movers and Flyers Tests preparation. Key features Over 15,000 up-to-date words with clear and easy to understand definitions Hundreds of short, natural example sentences show exactly how the language is naturally used in spoken and written English 'Common Error' boxes, based on the Cambridge...
4 561.94 Добавить заказ
Cobuild IELTS Dictionary
Cobuild IELTS Dictionary Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 986071
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780008100834
Collins Cobuild IELTS Dictionary contains all the vocabulary students need to succeed in the IELTS exam. It has been specially created for learners of English who plan to take the IELTS exam to demons... Показать описаниеtrate that they have the required ability to communicate effectively in English, either at work or at university. This dictionary is ideal for learners who are preparing for IELTS and it covers all the words, phrases, and idioms that students need to master to achieve the IELTS scores required by the top universities and employers. With full-sentence definitions written in simple, natural English, this dictionary is easy to use and understand. The examples, taken from the 4. 5-billion-word Collins Corpus, have been specially selected to show learners how the words are used in IELTS-style contexts. The dictionary contains over 500 vocabulary-enrichment features, which focus on the words that are essential for IELTS. The dictionary also contains thousands of...
2 696.43 Добавить заказ
Cobuild Intermediate Learners Dictionary'
Cobuild Intermediate Learners Dictionary' Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 986160
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780008253202
The 4th edition of the Collins Cobuild Intermediate Learner's Dictionary has been revised and updated to include detailed coverage of today's English in a clear, attractive format. Ideal for intermedi... Показать описаниеate level learners of English, and with full sentence definitions written in simple, natural English, this dictionary is easy to use and understand. Thousands of updated examples, taken from the 4. 5 billion word Collins Corpus, show learners how the words are used in authentic contexts. This dictionary covers all the essential words, phrases and idioms that students at this level need to learn and provides help with grammar and usage. Additional information is provided throughout the dictionary to help learners improve their fluency and confidence in using English. Informative and relevant vocabulary panels show how words are used in a range of everyday contexts. In addition, this dictionary offers learners guidance on how to communicate effectively in English. The...
3 613.10 Добавить заказ
Collins Primary Spanish Dictionary
Collins Primary Spanish Dictionary Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 898077
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780008312695
Bag the perfect KS2 Spanish dictionary this Back to School. Designed for children aged 7-11 learning Spanish at primary school or at home, this easy-to-use, vibrant and colourful Collins Primary Spani... Показать описаниеsh Dictionary makes learning fun. It's the perfect Spanish dictionary for the new Key Stage 2 curriculum, with detailed coverage of core English and Spanish vocabulary. Themed pages, plus fun and quirky illustrations with simple examples help children to remember words and translations. Key phrases are highlighted in this Spanish student dictionary, offering all the support needed for learning Spanish.
1 570.24 Добавить заказ
English Dictionary Essential
English Dictionary Essential Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 898063
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780008309428
The home of trusted English dictionaries and thesauruses for everyday language use. The perfect dictionary reference for daily use, with 200,000 words and phrases in a durable format. Language notes h... Показать описаниеelp you choose the right word and the easy-to-use layout allows you to find what you're looking for quickly. Specially tailored to meet your needs at home, school, and in the office, offering comprehensive definitions and word tips to provide help with English usage. Find all the words and definitions you need, with coverage of the language we use every day. The clear layout ensures you can find the words you need quickly. Comes with an invaluable supplement on the most common mistakes and controversial issues in English.
1 727.38 Добавить заказ
English Gem Dictionary
English Gem Dictionary Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 986106
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780008141677
The perfect size for every school bag! This handy little dictionary offers clear definitions for all the words you need on a daily basis, providing spelling and pronunciations tips for the trickiest w... Показать описаниеords. As an additional feature there is a detailed and practical writing guide for emails, social media and more formal communication. The easy-to-use layout of the Collins Gem dictionary makes it quick and easy to access and ideal for use on the go, at home, work, in the classroom or for travel. The short supplement tackles everyday problems of style and etiquette in everything from letters to emails to social media. With 85,000 words, meanings and phrases, this compact Collins English dictionary is the perfect companion.
1 256.30 Добавить заказ
English Gem Dictionary and Thesaurus
English Gem Dictionary and Thesaurus Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 897443
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780008141714
The home of trusted English dictionaries and thesauruses for everyday language use. This is an indispensable guide to the English language. Part of the Collins Gem range - the world's best-selling min... Показать описаниеi dictionaries - it provides dictionary definitions and thesaurus synonyms on the same page for incomparable quick and easy reference. This book provides the most up-to-date words, clear definitions and accessible same-page dictionary and thesaurus texts - all in the handy and portable Gem format. In addition to the wide range of definitions and synonyms, it has a handy and practical supplement on punctuation and spelling rules. With its clear layout and matching dictionary and thesaurus entries on the same page, you can be confident to find all the latest words you need - and fast!
784.52 Добавить заказ
English Gem Thesaurus
Артикул: 897442
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780008141691
The home of trusted English dictionaries and thesauruses for everyday language use. This new edition is part of the Collins Gem range - the world's best-selling mini dictionaries and thesauruses. This... Показать описание new edition is fully up-to-date, with the newest words to enter the English language, with thousands of synonyms and antonyms. With thousands of alternative words, subject lists and a useful supplement, this edition of the Collins Gem English Thesaurus is ideal for everyday use in home, school and office. The handy little thesaurus gives you practical, applied knowledge in your pocket. It contains a wide selection of alternative words and opposites, with the most useful words highlighted for ease of reference. The clear layout also makes the content easily accessible. Includes a brand new supplement which tackles questions of style and etiquette thrown up by both traditional and modern forms of communication. From letters to social media updates, it offers...
784.52 Добавить заказ
English Pocket Dictionary
English Pocket Dictionary Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 897445
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780008141806
The must-have Back to School dictionary for Year 10. The most up-to-date and information-packed dictionary of its size available. With spelling, grammar and pronunciation help, plus a practical writin... Показать описаниеg guide, the Pocket Dictionary gives you all the everyday words you need - at your fingertips. Up-to-date language coverage along with practical guidance on effective English for everyday use. The text is compiled using the latest information on current English from Collins Corpus - our unique and constantly updated 4. 5-billion-word database - ensuring the most up-to-date language coverage available. And, with all entry words and spelling forms in clear type, modern definitions, you can be sure to find all the information you need in the quickest time possible. 85,000 words, meanings, and phrases Collins have been pioneers in dictionary publishing since 1819. We are proud to offer an extensive range of dictionaries in multiple formats and languages for all leisure, travel and educational needs.
1 413.10 Добавить заказ
English School Dictionary
English School Dictionary Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 897776
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780008257927
The must-have Back to School dictionary for Year 7. This English School Dictionary is the perfect language companion for all students age 11+ (KS3). This new edition has been developed with teachers t... Показать описаниеo be the perfect student dictionary for children in class and for homework. The clear layout makes finding entries exceptionally easy, and full definitions are given in simple language, often in complete sentences. With over 20,000 entries, many new or updated, it includes the school national curriculum vocabulary up to Key Stage 3 and GCSE as well as general vocabulary for students aged 11+. A special section on spelling follows the main dictionary. It outlines key spelling rules and lists words that are commonly confused or misspelled, so it helps students to identify and master the trickiest spelling problems. This user-friendly Collins English School dictionary is an invaluable reference for all school students.
1 474.44 Добавить заказ
English School Dictionary
English School Dictionary Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 897777
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780008257934
The home of trusted English dictionaries and thesauruses for school use. This English School Dictionary is the perfect language companion for all students age 11+ (KS3). This new hardback edition has ... Показать описаниеbeen developed with teachers to be the perfect student dictionary for children in class and for homework. The clear layout makes finding entries exceptionally easy, and full definitions are given in simple language, often in complete sentences. With over 20,000 entries, many new or updated, it includes the school national curriculum vocabulary up to Key Stage 3 and GCSE as well as general vocabulary for students aged 11+. A special section on spelling follows the main dictionary. It outlines key spelling rules and lists words that are commonly confused or misspelled, so it helps students to identify and master the trickiest spelling problems. This user-friendly Collins English School Dictionary is an invaluable reference for all school students.
2 212.14 Добавить заказ
English Thesaurus
Артикул: 898066
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780008309459
The home of trusted English dictionaries and thesauruses for everyday language use. The perfect word reference for daily use with 300,000 synonyms and antonyms. Contains practical usage notes, and a f... Показать описаниеantastic crossword-solving supplement, this is the ideal thesaurus to take your language use and knowledge further. Specially tailored to meet the needs of the user at home, school, or in the office, with all the words and alternatives you might need, as well as a huge choice of opposites. The clear, accessible layout makes the thesaurus easy to use and ensures users can find the language they need when they need it.
2 011.58 Добавить заказ
English Thesaurus. Essential Edition
English Thesaurus. Essential Edition Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 898065
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780008309442
The home of trusted English dictionaries and thesauruses for everyday language use. All the words you need, every day: the perfect word reference for daily use with 300,000 synonyms and antonyms in a ... Показать описаниеdurable format. With practical usage notes, and a fantastic supplement, this is the ideal thesaurus to take your language use and knowledge further. Specially tailored to meet the needs of the user at home, school, or in the office, this thesaurus has all the words and alternatives the user might need, as well as a huge choice of opposites. The clear, accessible layout makes it easy to use and ensures users can find the language they need when they need it. This edition also includes a 16-page crossword-solving supplement.
1 727.38 Добавить заказ
English Visual Dictionary
English Visual Dictionary Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 898404
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780008372279
The home of trusted full-colour visual dictionaries for everyday use. A photographic guide to 3000 key words and phrases in British English. This attractive pocket-sized book is a perfect English lang... Показать описаниеuage travel companion and guide to life and culture in the UK. Everyday words are arranged in themes with carefully selected up-to-date images to illustrate key words and phrases. A helpful index allows you to find words quickly as you learn. 3,000 essential words and phrases for modern life in the UK are at your fingertips with topics covering food and drink, home life, work and school, shopping, sport and leisure, transport, technology, and the environment. Great care has been given to represent modern British culture and enhance your experience of Britain and its people, including customs, celebrations, and festivals. Plus, you can download your free audio to hear native speakers pronounce the word for each image and get your pronunciation pitch perfect.
1 154.65 Добавить заказ
English for Everyone Junior: English Dictionary
English for Everyone Junior: English Dictionary Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 916191
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780241525661
Learning new vocabulary is as easy as ABC with this beautifully illustrated dictionary for children aged 6-9. Featuring 1,000 essential first words and a free audio app, this book is perfect for child... Показать описаниеren who are starting to read and speak English as a second language. Every word in English for Everyone Junior: English Dictionary is illustrated and arranged A-Z to help your child build their vocabulary and learn the English alphabet. Audio for all the words, phrases, and songs featured in the book is available online and via the accompanying app, so children can listen and perfect their pronunciation. At the start of each section, the upper-case and lower-case version of each letter is presented to help reinforce letter recognition. Charming scenes and illustrations help put each word in context, and catchy songs make the process of learning and saying new words fun. A letter bar at the top of each page helps children remember the order of the alphabet and find their...
1 570.24 Добавить заказ
First French Dictionary
First French Dictionary Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 986229
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780008312718
Bag the perfect KS1 French dictionary this Back to School. An ideal First French Dictionary for kids aged 5+ and above, designed to introduce French vocabulary to children in a fun, easy and memorable... Показать описание way. Fully updated for 2020, this beautifully illustrated dictionary introduces children to their first 500 French words with example sentences to help children remember words and translations from English to French. Listed in English-to-French alphabetical order and with themed pages, the Collins First French Dictionary provides curriculum-matched support for young learners of French. Ideal for children starting school. Audio files for each headword and phrase can be found at Collins website.
1 098.81 Добавить заказ
First Spanish Dictionary
First Spanish Dictionary Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 986230
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780008312725
Bag the perfect KS1 Spanish dictionary this Back to School. An ideal First Spanish Dictionary for kids aged 5+ and above, designed to introduce Spanish vocabulary to children in a fun, easy and memora... Показать описаниеble way. Fully updated for 2020, this beautifully illustrated dictionary introduces children to their first 500 Spanish words with example sentences to help children remember words and translations from English to Spanish. Listed in English-to-Spanish alphabetical order and with themed pages, the Collins First Spanish Dictionary provides curriculum-matched support for young learners of Spanish. Ideal for children starting school. Audio files for each headword and phrase can be found at Collins website.
1 098.81 Добавить заказ
French Dictionary
Артикул: 897999
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780008300258
The must-have Back to School French Dictionary for Year 7. An easy-reference French to English and English to French Collins dictionary with key GCSE curriculum words highlighted and a practical, fun ... Показать описаниеsupplement covering key vocabulary areas. It is the ideal dictionary for learners of French, and especially for those aiming for exam success. Fully endorsed by the exam board Pearson Edexcel. Designed for learners of French, whether you are studying for exams at school, in an evening class, for business or to go on holiday to France. Covering everyday French and English (including all essential set expressions) and key curriculum words are highlighted to help with exam preparation. Clear and concise language notes provide information on common errors and confusable words, while handy culture notes explain cultural differences. French verbs are cross-referred to comprehensive verb tables, helping you find all the French verb forms you need. Combined with a text which...
1 727.38 Добавить заказ
French Dictionary and Grammar
French Dictionary and Grammar Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 897716
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780008241384
The home of trusted French dictionaries for everyday language learning. An up-to-date easy-reference French to English and English to French Collins dictionary and a user-friendly grammar guide in one... Показать описание handy volume. A clear layout, cultural notes and an easy-to-use, revised grammar section make this the ideal French reference for intermediate learners. Designed for all intermediate learners of French, whether at school, at home, or for business. 96,000 references and 120,000 translations will help those learning French take their language skills to the next level. This edition has been revised and updated to offer extensive and relevant coverage of today's English and French, with thousands of phrases and examples guiding the user to the most appropriate translation. A comprehensive grammar guide presents detailed examples and translations to help users to understand French grammar - the perfect complement to the dictionary. The clear Collins typography...
2 355.95 Добавить заказ
French School Dictionary
French School Dictionary Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 897780
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780008257965
The must-have Back to School French dictionary for Year 7. This pocket-sized Collins French School Dictionary is the perfect French dictionary for secondary school students looking for a dictionary th... Показать описаниеat is modern, up-to-date, clear and easy to use. Developed specifically for students, the Collins pocket French dictionary is ideal for use in the classroom, at home and for exams. With key curriculum words highlighted, all essential phrases covered, plus thousands of examples, this French student dictionary contains all the words and phrases students will need for the Key Stage 3 curriculum or GCSE exams. Main translations are underlined to help students find the answer theyre looking for while the clear layout and alphabet tabs down the side of each page lead to the information they need without fuss. Je suis, tu esFrench verbs made easy! Each verb on the French side of the dictionary is included in a comprehensive 94-page verb guide, with full conjugations and example...
1 289.58 Добавить заказ
Gem English School Dictionary
Gem English School Dictionary Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 898129
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780008321178
The home of trusted English dictionaries and thesauruses for school use. The perfect mini dictionary for all students aged 11 and above. Updated to include around 20,000 entries, with all the words yo... Показать описаниеu must know for school and exams, in the best-selling Gem format. This handy mini-sized dictionary has been developed with teachers to be the perfect tool for both school work and homework. With over 20,000 clear, concise definitions and extra help with difficult pronunciations, it gives core vocabulary for key curriculum exam subjects, plus thousands of examples of words in use. Developed with teachers, this dictionary is an indispensable tool for any secondary school student aged 11 and above. Includes a guide to punctuation, spelling and grammar, to support students in class, and during home study. Have confidence Help with spelling, pronunciation and difficult words
920.70 Добавить заказ
Gem English School Thesaurus
Gem English School Thesaurus Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 898130
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780008321185
The home of trusted English dictionaries and thesauruses for school use. A fantastic mini school thesaurus for age 11 and above in the best-selling Gem format to help you find the right word every tim... Показать описаниеe. Written specially to help with school work and homework, you will find thousands of synonyms to increase vocabulary, with examples to show context for every synonym listed. This mini thesaurus has a useful supplement to provide help with finding the right word. Every entry has a definition, and each alternative word is followed by its own example, helping you decide which word is the most appropriate to use. The perfect companion to the new Collins Gem School Dictionary, and an indispensable tool for any secondary school student aged 11 and above. Using a thesaurus has never been easier!
920.70 Добавить заказ
Gem School Dictionary and Thesaurus
Gem School Dictionary and Thesaurus Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 898128
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780008321161
The home of trusted English dictionaries and thesauruses for school use. The perfect English reference for all students aged 11 and above. A combined dictionary and thesaurus, in the best-selling Gem ... Показать описаниеformat, it has been developed with teachers to be the perfect tool for both school work and homework. An invaluable two-in-one reference book in a handy, portable and durable format. Clear, straightforward definitions with matching thesaurus entries providing a generous choice of synonyms and antonyms. The Get It Right supplement addresses the main points in the 3 key curriculum areas of Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling.
1 105.14 Добавить заказ
German Dictionary
Артикул: 898000
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780008300265
The must-have Back to School German Dictionary for Year 7. An easy-reference German to English and English to German dictionary with key GCSE curriculum words highlighted and a practical, fun suppleme... Показать описаниеnt covering key vocabulary areas. It is the ideal dictionary for learners of German, and especially for those aiming for exam success. Fully endorsed by the exam board Pearson Edexcel. Designed for learners of German, whether you are studying for exams at school, in an evening class, for business or to go on holiday to Germany. Covering everyday German and English (including all essential set expressions) and key curriculum words are highlighted to help with exam preparation. Clear and concise language notes provide information on common errors and confusable words, while handy culture notes explain cultural differences. German verbs are cross-referred to comprehensive verb tables, helping you find all the German verb forms you need. Combined with a text which is...
1 570.24 Добавить заказ
German Dictionary and Grammar
German Dictionary and Grammar Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 986150
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780008241377
The home of trusted German dictionaries for everyday language learning. An up-to-date easy-reference German to English and English to German Collins dictionary and a user-friendly grammar guide in one... Показать описание handy volume. A clear layout, cultural notes and an easy-to-use, revised grammar section make this the ideal German reference for intermediate learners. Designed for all intermediate learners of German, whether at school, at home, or for business. 90,000 references and 112,000 translations will help those learning German take their language skills to the next level. This edition offers extensive and relevant coverage of today's English and German, with thousands of phrases and examples guiding the user to the most appropriate translation. A comprehensive grammar guide presents detailed examples and translations to help users to understand German grammar - the perfect complement to the dictionary. The clear Collins typography gives the text a contemporary feel, and...
3 522.20 Добавить заказ
German Gem Dictionary
Артикул: 897448
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780008141868
The home of trusted German dictionaries for everyday language learning. With 40,000 words and phrases and 60,000 translations packed into this Collins Gem German to English and English to German dicti... Показать описаниеonary, youll have everything you need to know on the go. All the latest words reflecting changes in modern lifestyle are included in this small German dictionary, plus notes about life in German-speaking countries and top tips on commonly confused words. This is the perfect choice for travellers, students and business people. An essential, user-friendly travel Phrasefinder is included, along with a handy menu-reader ensuring you always get what you expect from a meal out. A clear layout, useful examples, and language and cultural notes makes this Collins German Gem Dictionary ideal for school and a great companion to GCSE German.
974.41 Добавить заказ
German Pocket Dictionary
German Pocket Dictionary Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 897537
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780008183639
The home of trusted German dictionaries for everyday language learning. A modern German to English and English to German Dictionary offering excellent coverage of today's German language, culture and ... Показать описаниеusage. The clear presentation makes it easy to use and its handy format and durability make it your ideal companion at home, school or on your travels. Features include: The most up-to-date words in both languages from a wide range of areas. Full GCSE coverage, to give students exam confidence An in-depth German in Focus supplement containing information about German language and culture to enhance your learning A "German verb tables" supplement which features the most common irregular verbs and examples of verbs in use Whether you're on business, holiday or just learning German at your own pace, this dictionary is designed to give you all the information you need in a handy yet robust format. It includes all the latest words as well as...
1 570.24 Добавить заказ
German School Gem Dictionary
German School Gem Dictionary Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 986056
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780007569328
The home of trusted German dictionaries and thesauruses for school use. The ideal handy German reference for secondary school students looking for a dictionary that is modern, up-to-date, clear and ea... Показать описаниеsy to use. Developed for home study, and to be used in the classroom. Especially designed for KS3 school students, and is ideal in the classroom, at home and during exams. It contains all the words and phrases students will need, with key curriculum words highlighted, all essential phrases covered, and thousands of examples to show how German is really used. The clear layout and alphabet tabs down the side of each page lead the students to the information they need quickly and without fuss. All main translations are underlined to help users go straight to the answer they are looking for. The dictionary includes language tips and culture notes throughout the text. Ich bin, du bist German verbs made easy! Each verb on the German side of the dictionary is...
784.52 Добавить заказ
Idioms Dictionary
Артикул: 118062
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780521677691
Издание полностью на английском языке. Более 7000 идиом, с объяснениями и примерами. Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 9.67. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
5 762.64 Добавить заказ
Japanese Dictionary. Essential Edition
Japanese Dictionary. Essential Edition Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 897828
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780008270711
The home of trusted Japanese dictionaries for everyday language learning. A handy and affordable Japanese to English and English to Japanese reference for every day, including short grammars of Japane... Показать описаниеse and English. Offers travellers and learners at home, school or in the office extensive and up-to-date coverage of Japanese and English in a portable format. 27,000 translations. Designed for all those studying Japanese who need maximum information in a handy travel format. Offers comprehensive and up-to-the-minute coverage of Japanese and English, with additional notes warning the user of those words which are easily confused. Delivers the accuracy and reliability you expect from the Collins name. With natural, idiomatic example phrases, in-depth treatment of the most important core vocabulary and help to find the exact translation you want. All Japanese words, phrases and translations are shown with their romanized transcription - ideal for beginners.
1 255.95 Добавить заказ
Korean-English Bilingual Visual Dictionary with Fr
Korean-English Bilingual Visual Dictionary with Fr Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 986675
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780241421376
With over 6,500 fully illustrated words and phrases in Korean and English, along with a free bilingual audio app, using and learning Korean has never been easier. Perfect for tourists, business travel... Показать описаниеlers and students, DK's Korean English Bilingual Visual Dictionary is your essential companion when buying food, talking about work, discussing health, and studying the Korean language. The dictionary is incredibly easy to follow, with thematically organized vocabulary so you can find closely related words on a particular topic. Words and phrases are illustrated with full-colour photographs and artworks, helping to fix new vocabulary in your mind. A comprehensive two-way index provides an instant reference point for new Korean vocabulary. The supporting audio app enables you to hear over 6,500 words and phrases spoken out loud in both Korean and English. Available on the App Store and Google Play, the audio app is easy to use and provides an intuitive reference...
1 968.32 Добавить заказ
Mandarin Chinese Dictionary
Mandarin Chinese Dictionary Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 898001
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780008300289
The home of trusted Mandarin dictionaries for everyday language learning. An easy-reference Chinese to English and English to Chinese dictionary. The easiest way to learn Mandarin Chinese for students... Показать описание with the clearest layout and entry structure. Each Chinese word and translation has a Pinyin transcription as well as Chinese characters. Designed for anyone starting to learn Chinese. The dictionary covers everyday language in both Chinese and English, so you can be sure of having access to all the vocabulary you need. All English translations underlined, Pinyin transcription of Chinese characters, and thousands of examples show you how to use the translation in context. Contains a supplement giving practical guidance on communicating in spoken Chinese, and a guide to writing Chinese characters. Hundreds of helpful language notes throughout the dictionary text. Clear layout ensures that you can find what you want quickly and easily.
1 727.38 Добавить заказ
Oxf Dict of Synonyms and Antonyms 3/e
Oxf Dict of Synonyms and Antonyms 3/e Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 500495
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780198705185
An essential-nor to mention crucial, vital, and indispensable-point of reference for anyone wanting to find exactly the right word to communicate their meaning, The Oxford Dictionary of Synonyms and A... Показать описаниеntonyms puts more than 120,000 alternative and opposite-words at your fingertips. 3-е издание.
2 397.63 Добавить заказ
Oxf Mini School German Dictionary
Oxf Mini School German Dictionary Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 610530
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 978-0-19-275710-4
The Oxford Mini School German Dictionary is the perfect bilingual dictionary for pupils learning German. The two sides of the dictionary are clearly divided into German-English and English-German, wit... Показать описаниеh an essential verb table list in the centre with essential English translations for the different tenses. The headwords are carefully selected to suit beginners, and particular attention is given to computing, word-processing, and ICT terms. In line with curriculum requirements, there is a special section dedicated to vocabulary and phrases on German life and culture. The simple layout, the alphabet down the side of each page, and the clear print will help pupils navigate around the dictionary and take them straight to the translation they are looking for. This dictionary comes in a handy mini-size format with a new eco-friendly binding, perfect for school bags and for taking on holiday. For downloadable fun activities in German, go online to the www. oxforddictinaries. com website.
1 434.62 Добавить заказ
Oxf Spanish Mini Dictionary 4Ed Flexi Reissue
Oxf Spanish Mini Dictionary 4Ed Flexi Reissue Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 793818
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780199692699
This is the reissued Oxford Spanish Mini Dictionary - now in an attractive new format. This small dictionary offers the most accurate and up-to-date coverage of essential, everyday vocabulary with ove... Показать описаниеr 40,000 words and phrases and 60,000 translations. Easy-to-use color design and a center section of useful words and expressions listed by topic make this dictionary ideal for travel and quick reference. Discover more on oxforddictionaries. com, Oxford's hub for dictionaries and language reference.
1 207.04 Добавить заказ
Oxford Very First Dictionary
Oxford Very First Dictionary Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 958895
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780192756824
The Oxford Very First Dictionary, with its colourful clear layout and familiar first words, each with a simple definition and illustration, is a fun and easy way for young children to learn how to use... Показать описание a dictionary. An illustrated section at the end on topics such as colours and days of the week provides additional support for early literacy. Features Fresh new cover for this edition with fun contemporary artwork A perfect fit for delivering the literacy framework for Reception/Foundation and Scottish Guidelines P1 Headwords simply explained using full sentences and an illustration Gives the full alphabet, with alphabet thumb tabs, on every page Includes a useful introduction on how to get the best out of the dictionary Illustrated section on Words We Write a Lot, Verbs, Colours, Shapes, Days of the Week, Months of the Year, Numbers to 20 and the alphabet Suitable for: 4-5 years, KS1, Foundation/ Reception, Nursery/P1, teachers, nursery teachers, parents, librarians
1 685.27 Добавить заказ
Portuguese Dictionary. Essential Edition
Portuguese Dictionary. Essential Edition Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 897594
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780008200886
The home of trusted Portuguese dictionaries for everyday language learning. A handy and affordable English to Portuguese and Portuguese to English dictionary with short grammars of Portuguese and Engl... Показать описаниеish. The clear layout allows for fast and easy access when you need it. Ideal for use on the go, at home, in the office, classroom or on holiday. More than 40,000 words and phrases and 60,000 translations. Designed for all those studying Brazilian and European Portuguese who need maximum information in a handy travel format. Offers comprehensive and up-to-the-minute coverage of Portuguese and English, with additional notes warning the user of those words which are easily confused. Delivers the accuracy and reliability you expect from the Collins name. With natural, idiomatic example phrases, in-depth treatment of the most important core vocabulary and help to find the exact translation you want.
1 255.95 Добавить заказ
Root Betty My First Dictionary   (HB)
Root Betty My First Dictionary (HB) Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 793243
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9781409386117
Make language come alive. A colourful and modern update of My First Dictionary, with 1000 words, bright colour pictures and clear definitions that will help your child perfect their As, Bs and Cs in n... Показать описаниеo time. The perfect introduction for any young child, with big, bright letters taking your child from A to Z in clear steps and a colourful alphabet header - perfect for you to read with your child or for them to recognise letters on their own. From beautiful rainbows to a gorgeous green apple, each word is supported by carefully chosen photographs and images, plus a clear grid design makes everything easy to find. With new, up-to-date words, fun dictionary games and notes for parents, My First Dictionary will make learning fun for both you and your child.
1 500.00 Добавить заказ
Russian-English Visual Dictionary (Ned)
Russian-English Visual Dictionary (Ned) Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 716297
Раздел: Двуязычные словари
Атрибут: 9780241317549
With over 10,000 fully illustrated terms arranged by theme and an audio app, Russian language learning has never been easier. Perfect for tourist and business travellers alike, DK's Bilingual Visual D... Показать описаниеictionary series is by your side when buying food, talking about work, discussing health, and studying language. Stunning visuals and comprehensive indexes combine to make the Russian English Bilingual Visual Dictionary your indispensable Russian language companion. Fully updated to reflect recent changes in technology and clothing, the Russian English Bilingual Visual Dictionary also features an easy-to-use free audio app available on the App Store and Google Play, enabling you to hear terms spoken out loud. Learn and retain all the key phrases you need to know, and perfect your pronunciation with audio help. Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 10.00. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
2 044.96 Добавить заказ
Spanish Dictionary
Артикул: 898002
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780008300296
The must-have Back to School Spanish Dictionary for Year 7. An easy-reference Spanish to English and English to Spanish Collins dictionary with key GCSE curriculum words highlighted and a practical, f... Показать описаниеun supplement covering key vocabulary areas. It is the ideal dictionary for learners of Spanish, and especially for those aiming for exam success. Fully endorsed by the exam board Pearson Edexcel. Designed for learners of Spanish, whether you are studying for exams at school, in an evening class, for business or to go on holiday to Spain. Covering everyday Spanish and English (including all essential set expressions) and key curriculum words are highlighted to help with exam preparation. Clear and concise language notes provide information on common errors and confusable words, while handy culture notes explain cultural differences. Spanish verbs are cross-referred to comprehensive verb tables, helping you find all the Spanish verb forms you need. Combined with a...
1 727.38 Добавить заказ
Spanish Dictionary and Grammar
Spanish Dictionary and Grammar Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 897717
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780008241391
The home of trusted Spanish dictionaries for everyday language learning. An up-to-date easy-reference Spanish to English and English to Spanish Collins dictionary and a user-friendly grammar guide in ... Показать описаниеone handy volume. A clear layout, cultural notes and an easy-to-use, revised grammar section make this the ideal Spanish reference for intermediate learners. Designed for intermediate learners of Spanish, whether at school, at home, or for business. 80,000 references and 120,000 translations will help those learning Spanish take their language skills to the next level. This edition has been revised and updated to offer extensive and relevant coverage of today's English and Spanish, with thousands of phrases and examples guiding the user to the most appropriate translation. A comprehensive grammar guide which presents detailed examples and translations to help users understand Spanish grammar - the perfect complement to the dictionary. The clear Collins...
3 773.97 Добавить заказ
Spanish Dictionary and Grammar. Essential Edition
Spanish Dictionary and Grammar. Essential Edition Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 897541
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780008183677
The home of trusted Spanish dictionaries for everyday language learning. An up-to-date Spanish to English and English to Spanish dictionary with a practical, user-friendly grammar guide in one handy v... Показать описаниеolume. With cultural notes on life in Spanish-speaking countries and an easy-to-use grammar section this is the ideal study guide for intermediate learners. Easy-to-carry, this fully updated guide to the Spanish language is ideal for use in school, on holiday or for business. This edition has been revised and updated to offer extensive and relevant coverage of today's English and Spanish, with thousands of phrases and examples guiding you to the most appropriate translation. A comprehensive grammar guide presents detailed examples and translations to help you to understand Spanish - the perfect complement to the dictionary. Full coverage of GCSE words and phrases to give you all the help you need when revising for your exams. The new, clear layout gives...
1 843.31 Добавить заказ
Spanish Dictionary. Essential Edition
Spanish Dictionary. Essential Edition Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 897830
Раздел: Словари на иностранном языке
Атрибут: 9780008270735
The home of trusted Spanish dictionaries for everyday language learning. A handy and affordable Spanish to English and English to Spanish reference for every day, including short grammars of Spanish a... Показать описаниеnd English. The clear layout allows for fast and easy access when you most need it. Ideal for use on the go, at home, in the office, classroom or on holiday. Over 40,000 words and phrases and 60,000 translations. Designed for all those studying Spanish who need maximum information in a handy travel format. Offers comprehensive and up-to-the-minute coverage of Spanish and English, with additional notes warning the user of those words which are easily confused. Delivers the accuracy and reliability you expect from the Collins name. With natural, idiomatic example phrases, in-depth treatment of the most important core vocabulary and help to find the exact translation you want.
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