Я могу - развивающие тетради на английском языке для детей (96)

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Отправимся за сокровищами! Или полетим в космос? А может, починим ледокол?

Производитель развивающих тетрадей "Я могу" верит, что главное в развитии детей – это интерес и удовольствие! Пусть каждое занятие будет праздником!
Вот что они сделали для того, чтобы серия рабочих тетрадей "Я могу" понравилась Вам и Вашим детям:

- Придумали задания на разные темы: животные, транспорт, космос, профессии, древний мир, сказки, путешествия и многие другие.
- Дети очень любят наклейки. В каждой книге есть наклейки для выполнения заданий и большая поощрительная наклейка – медаль.
- Проверили, что задания сбалансированы по сложности и интересны детям 3-4х лет.
- Позаботились о том, чтобы ребёнку было удобно работать с тетрадями. Бумага хорошего качества, на ней удобно рисовать карандашами и фломастерами. Переплёт на пружине не даст страницам разлететься и не будет мешать во время выполнения заданий. А Вам приятно будет сохранить тетради на память.
- Задания расположены в порядке от простого к сложному. Это поможет ребёнку почувствовать уверенность в своих силах.
- Хорошие иллюстрации понравятся ребёнку и будут развивать его художественный вкус.
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Задания и развороты пособий можете посмотреть по ссылке.

Дошкольный возраст очень важен, ведь именно в это время формируется личность человека, определяющая его будущее. Общение с родителями – один из главных факторов развития ребёнка. Очень важно поддерживать самооценку ребёнка, игру, инициативу и самостоятельность. "Я могу" придумали разнообразные задания, которые будут интересны и полезны ребёнку, помогут ему узнать о мире что-то новое. Задача серии рабочих тетрадей – развивать интерес к окружающему миру, фантазию, научить ребёнка получать удовольствие от занятий, смотреть на вещи с разных сторон. Такой подход приносит д­­­етям радость и не связан со стрессом и принуждением. Задания составлены так, чтобы ребёнок чувствовал важность своей работы. Они развивают умение сопереживать, понимать чувства других, желание помогать. Выполняя задания от простого к сложному, ребёнок приобретает уверенность в своих силах. Родители также получат удовольствие от работы с тетрадью. У Вас появятся новые темы для общения с ребёнком. Занятия помогут Вам увидеть ребёнка в новом свете, раскрыть такие его способности, о которых Вы не догадывались.

Как работать с тетрадями:

Обязательно хвалите ребёнка! Важно сохранять позитивный настрой.
Выполняйте по несколько заданий в день. Важно остановиться до того, как ребёнок устанет или потеряет интерес.
Задания в тетради расположены от простого к сложному, поэтому лучше выполнять их по порядку.
Не переживайте, если у ребёнка что-то не получается. Умение справляться с неудачами – это тоже очень важный навык, который пригодится ребёнку в будущем! Поддержите его, похвалите за старание и попробуйте вернуться к работе через некоторое время.
Что нужно для выполнения заданий

Восковые карандаши, цветные карандаши или простой карандаш.
Может пригодиться скотч.
Как выбрать карандаш

Если ребёнок ранее не рисовал карандашами или рисовал мало, лучше выбрать трёхгранные восковые мелки. C ними пальцам удобно занять правильн­ое положение. Для более опытных художников подойдут шестигранные или круглые восковые мелки либо мягкий толстый простой карандаш. Попробуйте разные виды мелков и карандашей и выберите тот, который больше подойдёт вашему ребёнку.

Как правильно держать карандаш:

Карандаш лежит на среднем пальце, указательный и большой пальцы его придерживают. Не нужно сжимать карандаш сильно. Безымянный палец и мизинец могут находиться внутри ладони или лежать у основания большого пальца. Если ребёнок не хочет держать карандаш правильно, не переживайте. Он обязательно этому научится. Время от времени просите ребёнка взять карандаш правильно. Объясняйте, что рука в таком положении меньше устаёт.

Как выбрать ножницы:

Ножницы должны подходить по размеру к руке ребёнка. Они должны быть лёгкими. Кольца должны быть покрыты нескользящим материалом. Концы должны быть закруглёнными. Для детей, которые ранее не пользовались ножницами, советуют выбрать ножницы с фиксатором открытого состояния. Они открываются автоматически с помощью пружинки.

Как правильно держать ножницы

Большой палец нужно просунуть в маленькое отверстие, а указательный и средний – в большое отверстие. Если кольцо большое, можно вставить туда и безымянный палец. Резать нужно в противоположном направлении от своего тела или рук. Рука, которая держит бумагу, должна быть на расстоянии от линии реза. Если ребёнок не резал ножницами ранее, попробуйте потренироваться на бумажной ленте. Отрежьте полоску бумаги небольшой ширины (2 см), чтобы ребёнок мог отрезать кусочек одним нажатием. Попросите ребёнка нарезать эту ленту на кусочки.

Зачем может понадобиться скотч:

Если ребёнок сделал слишком большой разрез или случайно отрезал от поделки нужную часть, он может расстроиться.
Поэтому можно приготовить скотч, чтобы в этом случае починить аппликацию.

Как выбрать клей:

Выберите клей, подходящий для детей. Обычно детям удобнее пользоваться клеем-карандашом. Мы советуем попробовать разные виды клея. Работа с жидким клеем тоже будет полезна и интересна ребёнку. Клей можно наносить кисточкой или пальчиком. Приготовьте тряпочку, чтобы удалять лишний клей.

Когда все задания выполнены:

Вместе с ребёнком пролистайте тетрадь. Рассмотрите, как от простых заданий он переходил к всё более сложным. Наградите ребёнка медалью со страницы наклеек. Её можно приклеить на одежду или на холодильник. Можете сфотографировать ребёнка и прислать фотографию на почту info@yamogu.ru – Вы попадёте в галерею победителей на сайте yamogu.ru!
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Отзывы на лабиринте и на бэбиблоге

Принят, можно редактировать -принят, можно отредактировать; Принят, редактирование невозможно -принят, редактирование невозможно; Отсутствует в текущем прайсе -отсутствует в текущем прайсе; Отправлен поставщику -отправлен поставщику; Наличие подтверждено -наличие подтверждено; Нет в наличии -нет в наличии; В оффере -в оффере; Заказано другим пользователем, ожидает подтверждения -заказано другим пользователем, ожидает подтверждения; Заказано другим пользователем -заказано другим пользователем;
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I Can Do It! Book of Mazes. Age 2-3 (Я могу проходить лабиринты! 2-3 года.)
I Can Do It! Book of Mazes. Age 2-3 (Я могу проходить лабиринты! 2-3 года.)I Can Do It! Book of Mazes. Age 2-3 (Я могу проходить лабиринты! 2-3 года.)I Can Do It! Book of Mazes. Age 2-3 (Я могу проходить лабиринты! 2-3 года.)
I Can Do It! Book of Mazes. Age 2-3 (Я могу проходить лабиринты! 2-3 года.) Вопросы по товару
Раздел: Age 2-3
• Fun activities • Prepares your child’s hand for writing • Helps them improve their attention span • Teaches them not to give up when dealing with obstacles • Contains interesting topics that you can... Показать описание talk about with your child • 55 reusable stickers • Convenient format and open flat spiral binding • Good quality paper Let’s take a walk through the jungle, or play at being pirates! Or maybe fix a submarine? This activity book contains 63 interesting and exciting mazes. Your child will get acquainted with the concept of the maze and develop attention, patience, and the ability to concentrate on tasks. Each task has a plot, so your child can easily understand where and why they need to draw a line and why they cannot go off the path. This book will help you teach your child how to properly hold a pencil, draw lines accurately and precisely, and prepare their hand for writing. Working with mazes helps develop fine motor skills, which is important for developing language skills. The tasks in this book are organised from simple to more complex. This will help your child find confidence in themselves and their abilities. This activity book has a page of 55 laminated reusable stickers, which we know your child will love. Our activity books in this series are printed on carefully chosen thick paper, making them easy for children to use.
219.00 Добавить заказ
I Can Do It! Book of Mazes. Age 3-4 (Я могу проходить лабиринты! 3-4 года)
I Can Do It! Book of Mazes. Age 3-4 (Я могу проходить лабиринты! 3-4 года)I Can Do It! Book of Mazes. Age 3-4 (Я могу проходить лабиринты! 3-4 года)I Can Do It! Book of Mazes. Age 3-4 (Я могу проходить лабиринты! 3-4 года)
I Can Do It! Book of Mazes. Age 3-4 (Я могу проходить лабиринты! 3-4 года) Вопросы по товару
Раздел: Age 3-4
• fun and engaging storylines • prepares your child’s hand for writing • trains attention skills and diligence • develops a broader way of thinking • teaches resilience and not to give up when confron... Показать описаниеted with obstacles • 67 reusable stickers • convenient format and open flat spiral binding • good quality paper Let's climb a mountain! Or fix a hole in the plane! Or maybe we could journey to the centre of the Earth? This activity book contains 63 interesting and exciting mazes. Your child will get acquainted with the concept of the maze and develop attention, patience, and the ability to concentrate on tasks. Each task has a plot, so your child can easily understand where and why they need to draw a line and why they cannot go off the path. This book will help you teach your child how to properly hold a pencil, draw lines accurately and precisely, and prepare their hand for writing. Working with mazes helps develop fine motor skill, which is important for developing language skills. The tasks in this book are organised from simple to more complex. This will help your child find confidence in themselves and their abilities. This activity book has a page of 67 laminated reusable stickers, which we know your child will love. Our activity books in this series are printed on carefully chosen thick paper, making them easy for children to use.
198.00 Добавить заказ
I Can Do It! Playing with Modelling Clay and Colour. Age 2-3 (Я могу лепить и рисовать! Картинки из пластилина. 2-3.)
I Can Do It! Playing with Modelling Clay and Colour. Age 2-3 (Я могу лепить и рисовать! Картинки из пластилина. 2-3.)I Can Do It! Playing with Modelling Clay and Colour. Age 2-3 (Я могу лепить и рисовать! Картинки из пластилина. 2-3.)I Can Do It! Playing with Modelling Clay and Colour. Age 2-3 (Я могу лепить и рисовать! Картинки из пластилина. 2-3.)
I Can Do It! Playing with Modelling Clay and Colour. Age 2-3 (Я могу лепить и рисовать! Картинки из пластилина. 2-3.) Вопросы по товару
Раздел: Age 2-3
• Fun and engaging storylines • Introduces your child to working with modelling clay, drawing and colouring • Trains fine motor skills • Demonstrates that learning can be fun • 45 reusable stickers • ... Показать описаниеGood quality paper • Convenient, open flat spiral binding Let’s light a fire in the fireplace! Let’s build a kennel or a snowman! What does your child like doing? Playing is probably what they enjoy the most. This is why we think they will like building bridges out of modelling clay or drawing teeth on an alligator. We wanted to turn each activity in this book into a little adventure for young children. Colouring and making things out of clay are not just fun activities, they are also very useful ones! They help children prepare their hands for writing and will also improve their language skills. This activity book is designed for children who are 2 to 3 years old, but the tasks should also be interesting for older children. Inside, you’ll also find 45 laminated reusable stickers, which we know your child will love. Our activity books in this series are printed on carefully chosen thick paper, making them easy for children to use.
219.00 Добавить заказ
I can do it! Activity pack for children aged 3-4
I can do it! Activity pack for children aged 3-4I can do it! Activity pack for children aged 3-4I can do it! Activity pack for children aged 3-4
I can do it! Activity pack for children aged 3-4 Вопросы по товару
Раздел: Аge 3-4
Includes 5 beautifully packaged activity books plus a bonus page of stickers: engaging activities more than 300 stickers teaches children to draw, use scissors and work with glue develops diligence an... Показать описаниеd attentiveness grown-up helpers will have fun too good quality paper convenient format and open flat spiral binding. About the Activity Pack We believe that learning activities need to be interesting, both for children and their supervising adults. Here's what we've done to keep the little ones and their grown-up helpers entertained: Educational topics Why do we need an icebreaker? How do people live in the far north? How are cars assembled in a factory? These books introduce lots of interesting new conversation topics. Activities with a storyline Why do children themselves ask to work with our activity books? Because for them it's not a chore, it's a game! They will study drawings of ancient people, visit a dinosaur museum, build a submarine... Each activity has its own fascinating story or mini adventure. Gradual increase in difficulty We have made sure that the tasks are both engaging and of suitable complexity for children aged 3 to 4. The difficulty of the tasks gradually increases so that your child can feel confident in their abilities. Lots of stickers Each activity book has at least one page of stickers, and the "I can do it! Cutting and Pasting. Age 3-4" activity book has three pages of stickers. As a gift, you will also receive a page with two games: "I can dress myself!" and "I can exercise!". High quality We have made sure that every child who picks up our activity books will find them comfortable and easy to use, with thick paper, high-quality printing, reusable stickers and convenient binding. The paper in the "I can do it! Tracing Skills. Age 3-4" and "I can do it! Book of Mazes. Age 3-4" books is different from the other activity books in the set. It is especially good for drawing on with crayons, pencils and felt-tip pens. Spiral binding We have carefully designed the convenient spiral binding so that the book will open flat and will not bend or get in the way of activities. This is especially important for young children. Activity Pack Includes: “I can do it! Cutting and Pasting. Age 3-4” 30 cutting activities and 27 games with stickers. Activities in this book will help your child learn how to cut with scissors and use glue carefully and precisely. “I can do it! Problem Solving. Age 3-4” 65 activities for the enhancement of problem-solving skills and creativity. Activities will help make your child's thought processes more creative, flexible and diverse. “I can do it! Memory Games. Age 3-4” 47 engaging activities for the development of memory and attention. This activity book will help your child develop different types of memory. Activities focused on memory development alternate with attention-development tasks – for example, your child will be asked to find mistakes, differences and hidden objects. “I can do it! Book of Mazes. Age 3-4” 63 fascinating mazes to help your child develop perseverance and attentiveness, as well as fine motor skills. “I can do it! Tracing Skills. Age 3-4” 63 activities that will help your child learn to hold a pencil properly, draw lines neatly and prepare their hand for writing. Your child will also be introduced to numbers from 0 to 5. Bonus stickers Two sets of stickers — "I can dress myself!" and "I can exercise!" — come as a bonus. Swim like a dolphin! Jump like a kangaroo!
925.00 Добавить заказ
I can do it! Cutting and Pasting. Age 3-4
I can do it! Cutting and Pasting. Age 3-4I can do it! Cutting and Pasting. Age 3-4I can do it! Cutting and Pasting. Age 3-4
I can do it! Cutting and Pasting. Age 3-4 Вопросы по товару
Раздел: Age 3-4
About the Activity Book This book will help your child learn to cut and paste neatly while also having fun! Activities with a storyline Making soup and rescuing ducks from a hunter is much more intere... Показать описаниеsting than just cutting paper into strips. We've come up with lots of interesting stories to keep even the most restless child entertained. Now cutting is not just a task, it’s also a game! Gradual increase in difficulty Your child will start with the simplest of cutting tasks – cutting off a piece of paper from a strip. Then they will learn to cut in a straight line, and by the end of the activity book your child will be able to cut out shapes by following a simple outline. To check that the tasks in this activity book were not too difficult for young children, we tested them by cutting out all the pieces using just our non-dominant hands. This was surprisingly difficult, and as a result we adjusted the complexity of some of the cutting lines. We also learned to cut using our non-dominant hands :-). Lots of stickers We know how much children love stickers. After each cutting task, your child will be asked to place some stickers into the book. This will keep them interested in the project, and careful sticker placement is also good for developing fine motor skills. There is a total of 80 stickers in the activity book (and don’t worry, they are all sturdy enough to be removed and repositioned if necessary!). Clever format Each page has two parts: one side contains the pieces for your child to cut out, and one side is for the cut pieces to be glued onto. The cutting part is designed so that it is easy for a child to hold comfortably. And once all the tasks are completed you'll have a beautiful book, that you can keep as a memento! Spiral binding We have carefully designed the convenient spiral binding so that the book will open flat and will not bend or get in the way of activities. This is especially important for young children. And at the end – a medal! A completed task is a great accomplishment for a little one and it deserves a reward! When the activity book is finished, you can present your child with a medal from the sticker page. Useful Tips Stock up on tape If your child accidentally cuts the wrong way, simply suggest that it can be repaired with tape. Learning how to use tape is also interesting and a useful skill! What is the modelling clay for? To train your child's hand, make strips out of clay and have your child cut them. Children love it! Choosing the right type of glue It's usually easiest to use a glue stick. But we recommend trying different kinds of glue to make it more fun. Liquid glue can be applied directly from the tube using a finger or a brush. Choosing the right scissors Choose safe scissors. We advise against plastic scissors because the paper is quite thick and your child might find it hard to cut with plastic scissors. If your child uses their left hand more than their right hand, they will find it much easier to use left-handed scissors. Some children's scissors have a handy little secret – they open automatically with the help of a spring. It's even easier to cut with these scissors!
243.00 Добавить заказ
I can do it! Playing with Modelling Clay and Colour. Age 3-4
I can do it! Playing with Modelling Clay and Colour. Age 3-4I can do it! Playing with Modelling Clay and Colour. Age 3-4I can do it! Playing with Modelling Clay and Colour. Age 3-4
I can do it! Playing with Modelling Clay and Colour. Age 3-4 Вопросы по товару
Раздел: Age 3-4
About the Activity Book How does a snake see? How do architects design cities? Why does a tiger need stripes? To find out, open your activity book and start... studying? No, playing! The easiest way f... Показать описаниеor a child to develop and to learn new things is through playing. Activities with a storyline Build a hut together, protect the island from pirates, design your own city... Your child will immediately want to start working, because each activity is a little adventure. Educational topics With the help of this activity book, your child will learn about the northern lights, the friendship between actinia and clown fish, how scientists recreate the appearance of dinosaurs... And many more informative, interesting facts. Gradual increase in difficulty Your child will practise spreading modelling clay on paper, learn how to make balls and sticks, and will also try to make more complicated shapes such as deer antlers, a shield and a sword. Lots of stickers Not only are stickers loved by all children, but their careful placement also helps develop fine motor skills. This activity book contains 50 sturdy stickers, which you can safely remove and reposition without fear of them tearing. Spiral binding We have carefully designed the convenient spiral binding so that the book will open flat and will not bend or get in the way of activities. This is especially important for young children. And at the end – a medal! Completing a task is a great accomplishment, and it deserves a reward! Place the medal from the sticker page onto your little one’s T-shirt, or stick it on the fridge for everyone to see. Useful Tips What are the scissors for? In some of the activities, your child will use scissors to cut the modelling clay into pieces. Children love doing this, and it also helps them practise working with scissors. Choosing modelling clay We suggest trying out different types of modelling clay or dough before choosing the one that works best for you and your child. We recommend softer types of modelling clay (e.g. light air dry modelling clay) for younger children. The quality of the results might vary significantly depending on the materials you use. When purchasing a modelling clay set, make sure it includes white, black, grey and brown in addition to the normal more brightly coloured clay.
219.00 Добавить заказ
I can do it! Problem Solving. Age 3-4
I can do it! Problem Solving. Age 3-4I can do it! Problem Solving. Age 3-4I can do it! Problem Solving. Age 3-4
I can do it! Problem Solving. Age 3-4 Вопросы по товару
Раздел: Age 3-4
About the Activity Book It's important to us that (with the help of our activity book) your child not only learns to solve problems, but also develops their imagination and their ability to think crea... Показать описаниеtively. Activity with a storyline From the age of four, many children are being prepared for school. It is important not to forget that playing games is an essential way for children to develop naturally. Children who play a lot and who play with passion become interesting and successful adults. So let's play! In this book, your child will investigate a crime, assemble a rocket, go to the ancient world to meet the dinosaurs, and much more! Develop problem solving skills In this activity book, there are many different tasks, all suitable for children aged 3-4: Comparison. For example, look at the picture of a fish and find it in the aquarium. Serialisation, that is sorting objects by size, height, width, quantity. Who jumped higher? Analysis, that is the allocation of features and properties. For example, find all the toys that are not yellow and not very small. Synthesis. In these tasks, your child will look for missing pieces and will assemble items from their component parts. Help the workers lay new asphalt. Classification, that is the ability to classify objects by a particular feature. For example, think of a name for a shop, based on what it sells. Systematisation. In these tasks your child will make a connection between objects and put them in an order. What came first and what came next? Puzzles In this activity book, there are many projects where your child will be asked to glue pieces in the right order, such as assembling a submarine from its component parts. This allows your child to try different solutions to the problem. It's also good for developing fine motor skills! Lots of stickers Sometimes the stickers are just for fun, but sometimes they will be needed for solving a problem. For example, your child will be asked to place the train cars in the right order. Interesting topics We'll visit Japan, sail across the Arctic Ocean and visit a chemistry lab. Learning takes place more quickly when both the child and their grown-up helper are interested and engaged! Spiral binding We have carefully designed the convenient spiral binding so that the book will open flat and will not bend or get in the way of activities. This is especially important for young children. And at the end – a medal! There are many challenging tasks in this activity book, and when your child gets through them all you can give them a medal from the sticker page to celebrate their efforts!
198.00 Добавить заказ
I can do it! Tracing Skills. Age 2-3
I can do it! Tracing Skills. Age 2-3I can do it! Tracing Skills. Age 2-3I can do it! Tracing Skills. Age 2-3
I can do it! Tracing Skills. Age 2-3 Вопросы по товару
Раздел: Age 2-3
About the Activity Book Tracing helps prepare your child’s hand for writing. To show your child that learning can be enjoyable, we have made sure that each activity is engaging and age-appropriate. Ac... Показать описаниеtivities with a storyline Simply drawing a line along a path might not keep your child interested for very long, but they will definitely enjoy painting a fence, diving into a pool and helping squirrels collect their nuts. Develop empathy The activities are designed to show your child the value of their work: "Show the girl where her bed is", "Help to hang up the laundry", "Move the fish to the bigger aquarium". This teaches your child to be kind and considerate of others. Gradual increase in difficulty We start with simple tasks such as drawing a line while avoiding obstacles. It's important for your child to understand why it’s important to draw accurately and precisely – for example: "Slide down the hill on a sled, but don't crash into the trees!" Gradually the paths will get longer and narrower. By the end of the activity book, you'll be surprised at the intricate lines your child can draw. Lots of stickers If your child is finding it hard to concentrate on drawing lines, the stickers will help them unwind and keep them interested in the activities. There are 42 stickers in this book – all of them are sturdy enough to peel off and reposition if necessary. Careful sticker placement is also good for fine motor skills! Interesting topics Our activity book covers topics such as transport, sports, and plants and animals, along with other new topics for your toddler to discover. We believe that children quickly grasp new information, and they will get even more enjoyment out of learning when a grown-up is doing the activities along with them too. Spiral binding We have carefully designed the convenient spiral binding so that the book will open flat and will not bend or get in the way of activities. This is especially important for young children. And at the end – a medal! Here's the medal your child will receive at the end of the activity book! Useful Tips Holding a pencil The pencil should rest on the middle finger while the thumb and the index finger hold it in place. Your child should not grip the pencil too tightly. The ring finger and the little finger may stay inside the palm or rest at the base of the thumb. If your child doesn’t want to hold the pencil correctly, don't worry. They will definitely get used to it. From time to time, remind them to take hold of the pencil as shown. Explain that this will prevent their hand from getting tired. Choosing the right pencil If your child doesn’t have much experience using pencils or crayons, we recommend choosing triangular-shaped writing utensils. This particular shape naturally enforces a proper grip. Hexagonal or round crayons, or soft thick pencils, will suit more experienced children. Try different types of crayons and pencils to choose the one that is the best fit for your child.
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I can do it! Tracing Skills. Age 3-4
I can do it! Tracing Skills. Age 3-4I can do it! Tracing Skills. Age 3-4I can do it! Tracing Skills. Age 3-4
I can do it! Tracing Skills. Age 3-4 Вопросы по товару
Раздел: Age 3-4
About the Activity Book To prepare your little one’s hand for writing, it is useful for them to draw lines on graphomotor paths. But not all young children have enough patience and diligence for that,... Показать описание so how do you encourage a child to want to practise? Activities with a storyline Simply drawing lines isn't fun. But hiking in the mountains, starting a fire and swimming in the sea with a dolphin are all fun and exciting activities! Gradual increase in difficulty At first, your child will draw straight lines, then they will move on to wavy and angular lines. We'll also study shapes and practise writing numbers. The width of the path gradually decreases, so by the end of the book your child will be drawing more precisely and accurately. Lots of stickers Why do we need stickers? We know how much children love stickers, and they really help to keep them interested and engaged in a project. There are 43 of them in this activity book, so there is no chance of them being bored! Our sturdy stickers can be removed and repositioned multiple times, and their careful placement also improves dexterity. Interesting topics Space, animals, fairy tales... This book introduces your child (and you!) to lots of new conversation topics. This is very important, because communication with parents and carers is the main factor in a child's development! Spiral binding We have carefully designed the convenient spiral binding so that the book will open flat and will not bend or get in the way of activities. This is especially important for young children. And at the end – a medal! Has your child completed the activity book? That's a big accomplishment! Encouragement is very important to children, so make sure you praise your child and stick a big medal from the sticker page onto their T-shirt or put it on the fridge for everyone to see!
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NEW I can do it! Memory Games. Age 3-4 (Я могу запоминать! 3-4 года)
NEW I can do it! Memory Games. Age 3-4 (Я могу запоминать! 3-4 года)NEW I can do it! Memory Games. Age 3-4 (Я могу запоминать! 3-4 года)NEW I can do it! Memory Games. Age 3-4 (Я могу запоминать! 3-4 года)
NEW I can do it! Memory Games. Age 3-4 (Я могу запоминать! 3-4 года) Вопросы по товару
Раздел: Series 3-4 (UK)
Let’s play Battleships or fly to the Moon! Or maybe make a potion instead? This activity book contains 47 entertaining tasks that can help to improve your child’s memory and ability to focus. These ta... Показать описаниеsks will help develop their long-term and short-term memory, as well as associative memory. In this book, activities focused on memory development are alternated with concentration training exercises. The tasks are diverse: your child will be asked to find mistakes, differences, and hidden objects. The tasks in this book are organised from simple to more complex, to help your child develop confidence in themselves and their abilities. This activity book has a page of 47 laminated reusable stickers, which we know your child will love. Our activity books in this series are printed on carefully chosen thick paper, making them easy for children to use. Я могу это сделать! Игры на память. Возраст 3-4 Включает в себя 47 увлекательных занятий на память: веселые и увлекательные сюжетные линии развивает разные типы памяти тренирует внимание и трудолюбие увеличивает словарный запас и развивает речь 47 многоразовых наклеек удобный формат и открытый плоский спиральный переплет бумага хорошего качества/ О тетради Тренировка памяти поможет вашему ребенку учиться быстрее и эффективнее. Но для нас самое главное, чтобы ваш ребенок развлекался, пока учится! Мероприятия с сюжетной линией Ребенку сложно запоминать информацию, если он не понимает, зачем ему это нужно. Наши занятия и рассказы делают тренировку памяти увлекательной! Помните, где все опасности на пиратской карте. Запомните продукты, а затем купите их в магазине. Вспомните детали машин, чтобы настроить сборочную линию на заводе. Превращая каждое занятие в небольшое приключение, эта книга сохранит интерес и увлечет вашего ребенка. Развивайте память Эти занятия помогут вашему ребенку развить разные виды памяти: Задания на долговременную память попросят вашего ребенка вспомнить то, что он уже знает. Например, какого цвета лимон? Или клубника? Задачи на краткосрочную память попросят вашего ребенка запомнить новую информацию, а затем записать детали по памяти. Например, запомните, с каких континентов пришли жираф и бизон, а затем на следующей странице поместите этих животных на их правильные места. Задачи ассоциативной памяти. Ассоциации помогают нам легче запоминать информацию, но сначала мы должны научиться думать о них. Тренируйте навыки внимания Наша тетрадь полна забавных игр, которые помогут вашему ребенку стать более внимательным и улучшить его способность концентрироваться на текущей задаче. Например, будем искать на картинках ошибки, отличия и скрытые объекты. Много наклеек Наклейки не только делают вещи интересными, но и помогают в развитии памяти. Например, мы попросим вашего ребенка взглянуть на карту города, и на следующей странице он разместит дома на своих местах по памяти. Интересные темы Поговорите со своим ребенком о Троянской войне, пещерных людях, животных Африки ... Ваш ребенок будет знать, когда вы искренне заинтересованы, и это лучший стимул для него расширить свой кругозор и проявить любознательность! Спиральное переплетение Мы тщательно разработали удобный спиральный переплет, чтобы книга открывалась ровно, не сгибалась и не мешала работе. Это особенно важно для маленьких детей. И в конце - медаль! Мы хотим поблагодарить наших учеников за их усилия, поэтому на странице стикеров вашего ребенка ждет небольшая награда - медаль! Полезные советы Развивайте воображение В конце каждого занятия вы найдете дополнительные вопросы, например: «Подумайте, что вам не следует класть на обеденный стол». На такие нестандартные вопросы можно придумать множество разных ответов. Обязательно попросите ребенка обосновать свою точку зрения. После того, как ваш ребенок даст свой ответ (и объяснит его), обсудите вместе другие возможные решения. Поступая так, ваш ребенок научится мыслить творчески. Если ваш ребенок растерялся и вообще ни о чем не может думать, предложите провести мозговой штурм вместе. Начните говорить, и ваш ребенок присоединится.
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