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Dooley Jenny I-wonder 4. Pupils book. Учебник'
Dooley Jenny I-wonder 4. Pupils book. Учебник' Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 793612
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 978-1-4715-7046-9
i Wonder is a six-level series that teaches English alongside other school subjects and brings all the wonderful elements of the real world into the language classroom. The course has been designed to... Показать описание fully engage and motivate young learners and to ensure that they develop a love of learning that is never-ending! Key Features: - Cross-curricular Language Learning extending and enriching the pupils' language experience - Dialogues with engaging characters that are stimulating and enjoyable - Integration of all four language skills - Focus on 21st Century Skills (critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity) - Catchy songs making learning fun and memorable - Functional speaking activities providing meaningful language in everyday sistuations - Development of Social and Emotional Skills (role play, craftwork, games, songs, stories and values) - Circle-time activities providing low stress yet highly effective learning...
971.85 Добавить заказ
64 задания для юных шахматистов. Рабочая тетрадь
64 задания для юных шахматистов. Рабочая тетрадь Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 854893
Раздел: Шахматная школа для детей
Атрибут: 978-5-91359-494-5
Рабочая тетрадь является дополнением к книге международного мастера, заслуженного учителя Б. Я. Шульмана "Шахматы для детей". Её главы идут параллельно главам этого учебника, но заниматься с ней можно... Показать описание и отдельно. Эта рабочая тетрадь предназначена для детей, которые начали изучать шахматы. В ней даны шахматные задачи с ответами по всем темам базового курса, благодаря которым можно на практике закрепить теоретические знания. А чтобы поддержать интерес ребёнка и развить его мышление, мы включили в книгу множество увлекательных заданий на шахматные темы - от ребусов и судоку до викторин и кроссвордов. Чтобы научиться играть в шахматы, мало ознакомиться с теорией. Ещё нужно решать задачи и приучить себя думать, анализировать позицию. С помощью этой рабочей тетради начинающие шахматисты смогут потренировать свои навыки и закрепят изученный материал, а весёлые задания разовьют их мышление, память и внимание. Оттачивайте своё шахматное мастерство вместе с нами! Для детей...
957.44 Добавить заказ
Ansel Linnette Big English Starter AB
Ansel Linnette Big English Starter AB Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 763726
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9781447951049
Share in your students' success. Watch them excel in English. BIG ENGLISH prepares students for the challenges they will find in today's world: CLIL: because students are learning English and so much ... Показать описаниеmore 21st Century Skills: because students want to get ahead and need to be prepared for the world around them Assessment for Learning: because confidence leads to success Think Big! Dream Big! BIG ENGLISH!
2 846.70 Добавить заказ
Barrie James Matthew Peter Pan
Barrie James Matthew Peter Pan Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 309026
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 978-1-85326-120-6
The magical Peter Pan comes to the night nursery of the Darling children, Wendy, John and Michael. He teaches them to fly, then takes them through the sky to Never-Never Land, where they find Red Indi... Показать описаниеans, wolves, Mermaids and. Pirates. The leader of the pirates is the sinister Captain Hook. His hand was bitten off by a crocodile, who, as Captain Hook explains 'liked me arm so much that he has followed me ever since, licking his lips for the rest of me'. After lots of adventures, the story reaches its exciting climax as Peter, Wendy and the children do battle with Captain Hook and his band. Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens is the magical tale that first introduces Peter Pan, the little boy who never grows any older. He escapes his human form and flies to Kensington Gardens, where all his happy memories are, and meets the fairies, the thrushes, and Old Caw the crow. The fairies think he is too human to be allowed to stay in after Lock-out time, so he flies off to an island... Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 9.22. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
402.54 Добавить заказ
Beare Nick English World 1 Gram PrB
Beare Nick English World 1 Gram PrB Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 489063
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9780230032040
English World is an internationally acclaimed English language learning series for primary schools. It uses best-practice methodology to encourage effective classroom teaching. Active, whole-class lea... Показать описаниеrning is supported by grammar and skills work applied in natural contexts. The highly visual printed resources are complemented by digital material featuring video dialogues of native speakers, animated posters and sing-along versions of songs. Packed with practical, course-specific resources, the English World online Teacher's Resource Centre provides tools to help teachers to manage classroom realities and to meet the needs of their pupils. Key features include: English World Starter Pack, core skills record sheets. Teacher Methodology Modules and a test builder. Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 7.67. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
1 148.23 Добавить заказ
Beare Nick English World 2 Gram PrB
Beare Nick English World 2 Gram PrB Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 610490
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9780230032057
English World is a stunningly visual ten-level course which will take children through from primary to secondary. Written by the authors of best-sellers Way Ahead and Macmillan English, English World ... Показать описаниеcombines best practice methodology with innovative new features for the modern classroom. Active whole-class learning is supported by vibrant posters and interactive activities on the DVD-ROM. Thorough grammar and skills work is applied in natural contexts in the real world, through dialogues and cross-curricular material. English World provides a complete package for today's teachers and pupils.
1 148.23 Добавить заказ
Beare Nick English World 3 Gram PrB
Beare Nick English World 3 Gram PrB Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 610494
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9780230032064
English World is an internationally acclaimed English language learning series for primary schools. It uses best-practice methodology to encourage effective classroom teaching. Active, whole-class lea... Показать описаниеrning is supported by grammar and skills work applied in natural contexts. The highly visual printed resources are complemented by digital material featuring video dialogues of native speakers, animated posters and sing-along versions of songs. Packed with practical, course-specific resources, the English World online Teacher's Resource Centre provides tools to help teachers to manage classroom realities and to meet the needs of their pupils. Key features include: English World Starter Pack, core skills record sheets. Teacher Methodology Modules and a test builder.
1 146.18 Добавить заказ
Berthet Annie Alter Ego +A 1 Cahier + CD
Berthet Annie Alter Ego +A 1 Cahier + CD Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 799043
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9782011558114
Structure: Le cahier propose de valider et de renforcer les connaissances acquises a travers une grande variete dactivites: de vocabulaire de grammaire de communication de comprehension ecrite et prod... Показать описаниеuction ecrite De plus, des activites de comprehension orale (CD audio inclus) viennent enrichir le travail sur les competences de communication. A la fin du cahier, un portfolio permet a lapprenant de suivre de facon active et reflechie son apprentissage.
2 688.74 Добавить заказ
Bovermann Monika Paul, Lisa & Co Starter AB
Bovermann Monika Paul, Lisa & Co Starter AB Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 772547
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9783190115594
Paul, Lisa & Co richtet sich an Schuler/innen der Primarstufe. - vierfarbige Seiten - vielfaltiges Ubungsangebot zu Grammatik, Wortschatz und Redemittel fur die Arbeit im Unterricht oder zum selbststa... Показать описаниеndigen Lernen zu Hause - kreative Ubungen zum Spielen, Ratseln, Ausmalen, Schneiden und Kleben - inklusive vier Seiten mit bunten Stickern als Ubungselement - klares wechselseitiges Verweissystem zwischen Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch - ubersichtliche Prasentation des Lernwortschatzes - eine Seite Selbstevaluation zum spielerischen Abfragen und Wiederholen der Lernziele
1 882.94 Добавить заказ
Bowen Mary English World 1 Dictionary
Bowen Mary English World 1 Dictionary Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 489062
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9780230032149
English World is an internationally acclaimed English language learning series for primary schools. It uses best-practice methodology to encourage effective classroom teaching. Active, whole-class lea... Показать описаниеrning is supported by grammar and skills work applied in natural contexts. The highly visual printed resources are complemented by digital material featuring video dialogues of native speakers, animated posters and sing-along versions of songs. Packed with practical, course-specific resources, the English World online Teacher's Resource Centre provides tools to help teachers to manage classroom realities and to meet the needs of their pupils. Key features include: English World Starter Pack, core skills record sheets. Teacher Methodology Modules and a test builder. Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 7.00. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
844.78 Добавить заказ
Bowen Mary English World 2 Dict
Bowen Mary English World 2 Dict Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 610489
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9780230032156
English World is a stunningly visual ten-level course which will take children through from primary to secondary. Written by the authors of best-sellers Way Ahead and Macmillan English, English World ... Показать описаниеcombines best practice methodology with innovative new features for the modern classroom. Active whole-class learning is supported by vibrant posters and interactive activities on the DVD-ROM. Thorough grammar and skills work is applied in natural contexts in the real world, through dialogues and cross-curricular material. English World provides a complete package for today's teachers and pupils.
844.78 Добавить заказ
Bowen Mary English World 2 WB
Bowen Mary English World 2 WB Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 487487
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 978-0-230-02478-6
English World is an internationally acclaimed English language learning series for primary schools. It uses best-practice methodology to encourage effective classroom teaching. Active, whole-class lea... Показать описаниеrning is supported by grammar and skills work applied in natural contexts. The highly visual printed resources are complemented by digital material featuring video dialogues of native speakers, animated posters and sing-along versions of songs. Packed with practical, course-specific resources, the English World online Teacher's Resource Centre provides tools to help teachers to manage classroom realities and to meet the needs of their pupils. Key features include: English World Starter Pack, core skills record sheets. Teacher Methodology Modules and a test builder.
1 654.75 Добавить заказ
Bowen Mary English World 3 Dict
Bowen Mary English World 3 Dict Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 664430
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9780230032163
English World is an internationally acclaimed English language learning series for primary schools. It uses best-practice methodology to encourage effective classroom teaching. Active, whole-class lea... Показать описаниеrning is supported by grammar and skills work applied in natural contexts. The highly visual printed resources are complemented by digital material featuring video dialogues of native speakers, animated posters and sing-along versions of songs. Packed with practical, course-specific resources, the English World online Teacher's Resource Centre provides tools to help teachers to manage classroom realities and to meet the needs of their pupils. Key features include: English World Starter Pack, core skills record sheets. Teacher Methodology Modules and a test builder.
844.78 Добавить заказ
Bowen Mary English World 3 WB
Bowen Mary English World 3 WB Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 465302
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9780230024793
English World is an internationally acclaimed English language learning series for primary schools. It uses best-practice methodology to encourage effective classroom teaching. Active, whole-class lea... Показать описаниеrning is supported by grammar and skills work applied in natural contexts. The highly visual printed resources are complemented by digital material featuring video dialogues of native speakers, animated posters and sing-along versions of songs. Packed with practical, course-specific resources, the English World online Teacher's Resource Centre provides tools to help teachers to manage classroom realities and to meet the needs of their pupils. Key features include: English World Starter Pack, core skills record sheets. Teacher Methodology Modules and a test builder. Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 10.00. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
1 654.75 Добавить заказ
Bowen Mary English World 4 Dict
Bowen Mary English World 4 Dict Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 664431
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9780230032170
English World is an internationally acclaimed English language learning series for primary schools. It uses best-practice methodology to encourage effective classroom teaching. Active, whole-class lea... Показать описаниеrning is supported by grammar and skills work applied in natural contexts. The highly visual printed resources are complemented by digital material featuring video dialogues of native speakers, animated posters and sing-along versions of songs. Packed with practical, course-specific resources, the English World online Teacher's Resource Centre provides tools to help teachers to manage classroom realities and to meet the needs of their pupils. Key features include: English World Starter Pack, core skills record sheets. Teacher Methodology Modules and a test builder.
844.78 Добавить заказ
Bowen Mary English World 4 Gram PrB
Bowen Mary English World 4 Gram PrB Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 610497
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9780230032071
English World is a stunningly visual ten-level course which will take children through from primary to secondary. Written by the authors of best-sellers Way Ahead and Macmillan English, English World ... Показать описаниеcombines best practice methodology with innovative new features for the modern classroom. Active whole-class learning is supported by vibrant posters and interactive activities on the DVD-ROM. Thorough grammar and skills work is applied in natural contexts in the real world, through dialogues and cross-curricular material. English World provides a complete package for today's teachers and pupils.
1 148.23 Добавить заказ
Bowen Mary English World 5 Gram PrB
Bowen Mary English World 5 Gram PrB Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 799061
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9780230032088
The English World 5 Grammar Practice Book contains further exercises to consolidate classroom learning and follow on from the Pupil's Book and Workbook. It has been written for children to work on alo... Показать описаниеne at their own pace and at their own level of ability. When the Grammar Practice Book is completed it becomes a useful reference and revision aid.
1 148.23 Добавить заказ
Bowen Mary English World 6 Gram PrB
Bowen Mary English World 6 Gram PrB Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 799062
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9780230032095
The English World 6 Grammar Practice Book contains further exercises to consolidate classroom learning and follow on from the Pupil's Book and Workbook. It has been written for children to work on alo... Показать описаниеne at their own pace and at their own level of ability. When the Grammar Practice Book is completed it becomes a useful reference and revision aid.
1 148.23 Добавить заказ
Bowen Mary English World 8 Workbook Pack+CD
Bowen Mary English World 8 Workbook Pack+CD Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 465306
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9780230441309
English World is a stunningly visual ten-level course which will take children through from primary to secondary. Written by the authors of best-sellers Way Ahead and Macmillan English, English World ... Показать описаниеcombines best practice methodology with innovative new features for the modern classroom. Active whole-class learning is supported by interactive activities on the WB CD-ROM. Thorough grammar and skills work is applied in natural contexts in the real world, through dialogues and cross-curricular material. English World provides a complete package for today s teachers and students. Key features Innovative Teacher s DVD-ROM with teaching methodology videos, teacher training videos and interviews with the course authors as well as the complete digitised Student s Book with Answer Keys, accessible audio and zoomable activities Informative, cross-curricular and cross-cultural content means that students learn about the world through English The stories, topics and projects promote social...
1 928.39 Добавить заказ
Brayshaw Daniel Focus 4 WB
Brayshaw Daniel Focus 4 WB Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 763859
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9781447998396
Focus is a rich, varied, carefully levelled course for upper secondary students. Specially designed to motivate older teens, it helps them to track their level and achieve the exam results they need. ... Показать описаниеWith its unique blended learning package, Focus is the flexible course that gets results.
3 128.97 Добавить заказ
Brayshaw Daniel Focus 5 WB
Brayshaw Daniel Focus 5 WB Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 763861
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9781447998617
Focus is a rich, varied, carefully leveled course for upper secondary students. Specially designed to motivate older teens, it helps them to track their level and achieve the exam results they need. W... Показать описаниеith its unique blended learning package, Focus is the flexible course that gets results.
3 128.97 Добавить заказ
Brillant Corina Adomania 1 Cahier + CD audio + Parcours digital
Brillant Corina Adomania 1 Cahier + CD audio + Parcours digital Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 799039
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9782014015249
En couleurs, avec CD audio inclus. A faire en autonomie ou en classe, il propose des activites ecrites et orales pour fixer le lexique, la grammaire, la conjugaison et la phonetique. 2 pages dauto-eva... Показать описаниеluation avec les corriges et des astuces pour apprendre a la fin de chaque "Etape". En annexe, 8 pages de travail sur les autres matieres en francais (DNL)
2 430.06 Добавить заказ
Brillant Corina Adomania 1 Livre de leleve +CD-ROM audio et video'
Brillant Corina Adomania 1 Livre de leleve +CD-ROM audio et video' Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 799040
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9782014015225
Structure: 1 dossier Decouverte » 8 dossiers Etapes » avec 3 lecons dapprentissage + 1 double page Cultures » / Projet » 1 double page Entrainement » 1 page Evaluation » 1 entrainement au DELF En anne... Показать описаниеxe: la transcription des enregistrements, un lexique illustre, un precis grammatical et un tableau de conjugaison 1 CD-ROM (audio + video) Descriptif: Adomania encourage l'apprentissage collectif avec des phases de travail en petits groupes et une tache collective. Facile a utiliser, avec des parcours courts et varies au sein de chaque lecon Centres sur le vecu des ados Un travail sur la langue clair et contextualise Un documentaire video original (+ fiches dexploitation dans le guide pedagogique) Une offre numerique innovante avec un manuel numerique eleve et enseignant et un parcours digital !
3 425.78 Добавить заказ
Brook-Hart Guy Complete First 3Ed SB no ans
Brook-Hart Guy Complete First 3Ed SB no ans Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 816502
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9781108903349
Complete First 3rd edition is the most thorough preparation for B2 First. This course allows you to maximise students' performance with the Complete approach to language development and exam training.... Показать описание It creates a stimulating learning environment with eye-catching images, easy-to-navigate units and fun topics. Students build confidence through our unique understanding of the exam and insights from previous candidate performance, and the Complete exam journey for successful and stress-free outcomes. Access the Cambridge One Digital Pack, optimised for a range of devices, for your bank of learning resources and accompanying Audio. Interactive practice includes a digital test environment to build strategies and skills for exam success. Third edition.
4 460.27 Добавить заказ
Brook-Hart Guy Complete First For Schools 2Ed Students Book With
Brook-Hart Guy Complete First For Schools 2Ed Students Book With Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 766612
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9781108647335
Complete First for Schools is the most thorough preparation for B2 First for Schools. Complete is trusted by millions of candidates worldwide. This course allows you to maximise students' performance ... Показать описаниеwith the Complete approach to language development and exam training. It creates a stimulating learning environment with eye-catching images, easy-to-navigate units and fun topics. Students are able to build confidence through our unique understanding of the exam and insights from previous candidate performance, and the Complete exam journey for successful and stress-free outcomes. Online Practice accompanying each Student's Book offers additional practice in grammar and vocabulary. Downloadable Class Audio containing the listening material for this course is provided with the Teacher's Book.
4 348.56 Добавить заказ
Chapman Caroline Exam Booster A2 Key and Key for sch.SB no Ans Key
Chapman Caroline Exam Booster A2 Key and Key for sch.SB no Ans Key Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 766633
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9781108682268
Essential exam task practice for class or home study for use alongside a coursebook or intensively before the exam. Focus on essential exam practice for the revised 2020 exams with the Exam Booster fo... Показать описаниеr A2 Key and A2 Key for Schools. Maximise learners' potential with dedicated exam task practice for class or home study. 48 exam tasks practise each part of the exam three times while exam facts provide practical information. Exam tips provide useful advice on how to approach the exercises and 'Get it right' boxes highlight typical candidate errors in the exam. This student edition Exam Booster is suitable for both A2 Key and A2 Key for Schools. The downloadable audio is available from www. cambridge. org/keybooster2.
2 482.42 Добавить заказ
Chapman Caroline Exam Booster A2 Key and Key for sch.TB + Ans Key
Chapman Caroline Exam Booster A2 Key and Key for sch.TB + Ans Key Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 766634
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9781108682237
Essential exam task practice for class or home study for use alongside a coursebook or intensively before the exam. Focus on essential exam practice for the revised 2020 exams with the Exam Booster fo... Показать описаниеr A2 Key and A2 Key for Schools. Maximise learners' potential with dedicated exam task practice for class or home study. 48 exam tasks practise each part of the exam three times while exam facts provide practical information. Exam tips provide useful advice on how to approach the exercises and 'Get it right' boxes highlight typical candidate errors in the exam. This Exam Booster is suitable for both A2 Key and A2 Key for Schools and is photocopiable. The downloadable audio is available from www. cambridge. org/keybooster2.
5 748.86 Добавить заказ
Chinese Paradise (Russian Edition) 2A WB
Chinese Paradise (Russian Edition) 2A WB Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 731124
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9787561928479
Одним из популярный учебников на сегодняшний день по изучению китайского языка для детей 7-12 лет издательства Beijing Language and Cultural University Press является УМК "Царство Китайского Языка". Д... Показать описаниеанное пособие отлично зарекомендовало себя как при обучении детей в государственных учебных заведениях (гимназиях и среднеобразовательных школах с профильными классами), так и в учреждениях дополнительного образования. Учебный комплект по китайскому языку "Царство китайского языка" состоит из учебника, рабочей тетради, книги для преподавателя, дисков, комплекта картинок. В учебник включены веселые, красочно иллюстрированные истории, песни, речевки и считалки, которые делают процесс обучения легким, создают непринужденную атмосферу на занятиях. Первая часть учебника сопровождается аудиодиском. Рабочая тетрадь является интегративной частью курса и содержит разнообразные упражнения с раскрашиванием картинок, решением кроссвордов, ребусов и другими упражнениям, развивающими творческие...
2 756.88 Добавить заказ
Chinese Paradise (Russian Edition) 3A WB (+CD)
Chinese Paradise (Russian Edition) 3A WB (+CD) Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 731128
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9787561928493
Царство китайского языка - это учебный курс для детей 7-12 лет, изучающих китайский язык с самого начала. Издательство предлагает три уровня обучения, каждый из которых состоит из книги для учащегося,... Показать описание рабочей тетради, аудио диска и компьютерного диска. Учитывая психофизическое развитие детей этого возраста, авторы курса используют большое количество иллюстраций, детские песни, игры, творческие задания и страноведческую информацию, что делает обучение китайскому языку интересным и познавательным.
1 540.22 Добавить заказ
Clyde Laura Compact Preliminary For Schools WB  no Ans + Audio
Clyde Laura Compact Preliminary For Schools WB no Ans + Audio Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 726111
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9781108349109
Fast, focused exam preparation - a 50 to 60 hour course for the B1 Preliminary for Schools exam from 2020. The Workbook without answers provides further practice of language and vocabulary introduced ... Показать описаниеin the Student's Book with an additional six-page section consolidating and extending student's vocabulary knowledge. The downloadable Audio contains extra listening material for practice at home, including exam-style tasks.
1 731.34 Добавить заказ
Cohen Albert Passe - Passe 1 Cahier+CD
Cohen Albert Passe - Passe 1 Cahier+CD Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 699863
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9782278087150
Ce cahier d'activites en couleurs propose: une double page d'activites variees et ludiques par lecon pour renforcer l'apprentissage et decouvrir l'ecrit pas a pas , des activites de preparation au DEL... Показать описаниеF Prim , une page interculturelle et plurilingue pour aller a la rencontre d'autres cultures et d'autres langues , une rubrique Astuces pour que le francais devienne la langue de la classe , "Mon passeport": pour parler en francais en dehors de la classe , une page interdisciplinaire pour croiser les connaissances , un bilan avec 4 defis a relever (1 defi par lecon) , un dictionnaire illustre a completer , un CD de 13 chansons et leurs versions instrumentales.
2 564.18 Добавить заказ
Cohen Albert Passe - Passe 1 Livre eleve
Cohen Albert Passe - Passe 1 Livre eleve Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 699864
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9782278087204
La methode pour parler et grandir en francais ! La methode Passe-passe: presente les aventures de six copains qui grandissent sur 3 niveaux: Juliette, Mehdi, Manon, Louis, Lilly et Pablo , c'est 6 uni... Показать описаниеtes qui eveillent la curiosite des enfants et donnent envie d'apprendre ! , s'inscrit dans une approche communicative et actionnelle avec des activites ludiques et un projet a realiser avec deux taches intermediaires , propose des activites variees pour tous les enfants , permet une decouverte interculturelle et plurilingue , offre differents types d'evaluation ("Passeport", "Defis", bilans et activites de preparation au DELF Prim). Le materiel de Passe-passe: un livre et un cahier avec un CD de 13 chansons aux rythmes varies concues pour la methode par des musiciens et chantees par des enfants , un guide pedagogique-fichier ressources avec de nombreuses activites complementaires, trois CD avec l'integralite des audios et un DVD (version simple du guide pedagogique telechargeable...
3 492.72 Добавить заказ
De Souza Natasha Complete First For Schools2Ed Workbook Without Ans
De Souza Natasha Complete First For Schools2Ed Workbook Without Ans Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 766613
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9781108647427
Complete First for Schools is the most thorough preparation for B2 First for Schools. The Workbook without answers provides further practice of language and vocabulary introduced in the Student's Book... Показать описание. The downloadable Audio contains extra listening material for practice at home, including exam-style tasks.
2 609.51 Добавить заказ
Dooley Jenny Flibets Starter. Activity book. Рабочая тетрадь
Dooley Jenny Flibets Starter. Activity book. Рабочая тетрадь Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 793584
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 978-1-4715-8934-8
The Flibets is a 3-level course with 8 themed modules per level designed for pre-primary children. Zac and his friends introduce pupils to their fantasy world through English, engaging them with excit... Показать описаниеing stories and stimulating activities. The course contains a combination of elements which fully support teachers in the classroom and make learning fun for pupils.
974.78 Добавить заказ
Dooley Jenny Flibets Starter. Pupils book. Учебник'
Dooley Jenny Flibets Starter. Pupils book. Учебник' Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 793583
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 978-1-4715-8985-0
The Flibets is a 3-level course with 8 themed modules per level designed for pre-primary children. Zac and his friends introduce pupils to their fantasy world through English, engaging them with excit... Показать описаниеing stories and stimulating activities. The course contains a combination of elements which fully support teachers in the classroom and make learning fun for pupils.
1 466.01 Добавить заказ
Dooley Jenny HAPPY HEARTS US 1 PUPILS BOOK' Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 793634
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 978-1-84862-831-1
Happy Hearts US is a three-level course for three to six year old children. The course develops the listening, speaking and pre-writing / pre-reading skills of young learners through art, music and mo... Показать описаниеvement. It provides a simple but steady development of new language through a carefully graded syllabus and features engaging characters including Billy, Molly and Kenny the cat, that will appeal to all children of pre-school age. Key Features appealing, well-designed, child-centred materials to engage children's imagination and stimulate learning Kenny the cat puppet to interact with and instruct children Kenny's basket & poster, an interactive poster to introduce the new language colourful picture flashcards to present and review language posters to introduce the characters and explore cross-curricular themes songs and chants based on traditional tunes to encourage active participation through TPR and other circle-time activities tear-out activity...
956.75 Добавить заказ
Dooley Jenny I-wonder 4. Vocabulary & Grammar Practice
Dooley Jenny I-wonder 4. Vocabulary & Grammar Practice Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 793613
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 978-1-4715-7061-2
i Wonder is a six-level series that teaches English alongside other school subjects and brings all the wonderful elements of the real world into the language classroom. The course has been designed to... Показать описание fully engage and motivate young learners and to ensure that they develop a love of learning that is never-ending! Key Features: - Cross-curricular Language Learning extending and enriching the pupils' language experience - Dialogues with engaging characters that are stimulating and enjoyable - Integration of all four language skills - Focus on 21st Century Skills (critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity) - Catchy songs making learning fun and memorable - Functional speaking activities providing meaningful language in everyday sistuations - Development of Social and Emotional Skills (role play, craftwork, games, songs, stories and values) - Circle-time activities providing low stress yet highly effective learning...
781.01 Добавить заказ
Dooley Jenny Round Up Russia  2 TB (+D)
Dooley Jenny Round Up Russia 2 TB (+D) Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 603790
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9781408257562
New Round Up - серия пособий по грамматике для школьников семи уровней сложности (от начального до высокого уровня - beginner-upper intermrdiate), где системное изучение грамматики представлено в увле... Показать описаниекательной форме. Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 7.00. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
1 795.42 Добавить заказ
Elliott Sue Complete Key For Schools WB no Ans +Audio Download
Elliott Sue Complete Key For Schools WB no Ans +Audio Download Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 726112
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9781108539401
Complete Key for Schools is the most thorough preparation for the revised A2 Key for Schools. The Workbook without answers provides further practice of language and vocabulary introduced in the Studen... Показать описаниеt's Book. The downloadable Audio contains extra listening material for practice at home, including exam-style tasks.
2 432.35 Добавить заказ
Ellis Printha New Way Ahead 1 WB
Ellis Printha New Way Ahead 1 WB Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 799151
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9781405058568
The Way Ahead 1 Workbook reinforces the language points introduced in the Pupil's Book and each lesson in the Pupil's Book is accompanied by one or two pages in the Workbook. The fun exercises within ... Показать описаниеthe Workbook encourage study skills and the guided writing exercises in each unit are designed to lead children towards simple composition writing.
2 595.04 Добавить заказ
English Fairy Tales
Артикул: 309025
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 978-1-85326-133-6
This book contains over forty of the best-loved fairy stories, beautifully illustrated by Arthur Rackham. Favourites such us Jack the Giant-killer, Jack and the Beanstalk, Dick Whittington, The Three ... Показать описаниеLittle Pigs and The Babes in the Wood are all here among many others, but stories from different traditions also make their appearance, including The Three Bears and Little Red Riding Hood. Издание на английском языке. Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 9.00. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
670.47 Добавить заказ
English World 1 Flashcards
English World 1 Flashcards Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 465299
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9780230024564
English World is a stunningly visual ten-level course which will take children through from primary to secondary. Written by the authors of bestsellers Way Ahead and Macmillan English, English World c... Показать описаниеombines best practice methodology with innovative new features for the modern classroom. Active whole-class learning is supported by vibrant posters and interactive activities on the DVD-ROM. through grammar and skills work is applied in natural contexts in the real world, through dialogues and cross-curricular material. English World provides a complete package for today's teachers and pupils. Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 10.00. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
7 022.86 Добавить заказ
Evans Virginia Blockbuster-4. Students Book. Intermediate. Учебн'
Evans Virginia Blockbuster-4. Students Book. Intermediate. Учебн' Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 594049
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 978-1-84679-270-0
Blockbuster 4 is designed for learners studying English at Intermediate level. The course follows the principles of the Common European Framework of Reference, Level B1+.
807.41 Добавить заказ
Evans Virginia Bright Stars 1. Student book. Учебник
Evans Virginia Bright Stars 1. Student book. Учебник Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 631153
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 978-1-4715-0889-9
We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing this book. Thanks are due in particular to: Meryl Phillips (Editor in Chief), Julie Rich (seni... Показать описаниеor editor), Bettina Fredericks, Irene Diamond and Nina Peters (editorial assistants), Alex Barton (senior production controller). We would also like to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript and whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the production of the book. Special thanks to Daniel, Frederick, Nadia, Marietta, Spiros and Jackie who play the parts of Eddy, Tom, Cindy, Lin, Oscar and Wendy as well as to Kimon, Theo, Angelo, Angelina, Gus, Julia, Pan, Melissa, Joanna, Tatiana, Nicole, Catherine, Louis, Renata and Gina who took part in the photo shooting.
802.73 Добавить заказ
Evans Virginia Enterprise 4. Grammar Book. Intermediate. Грамм.сп
Evans Virginia Enterprise 4. Grammar Book. Intermediate. Грамм.сп Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 593705
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 978-1-903128-79-4
Enterprise 4 - заключительная ступень курса английского языка для подростков и студентов. Соответствует ступени изучения Intermediate B1+. Лексика учебника Enterprise 4 включает темы: профессии, внешн... Показать описаниеость человека, характер, одежда, погода, стихийные бедствия, фестивали, чувства, питание, привычки, преступления, спорт, хобби, глобальные проблемы, образование, развлечения, транспорт. Грамматика курса английского языка Enterprise 4 предлагает темы: Present Simple, Present Continuous, конструкции с too / enough, Past Tenses, косвенная речь, условные предложения, каузатив, пассив, исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные, герундий, инфинитив, будущее время, степени сравнения. Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 10.00. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
679.53 Добавить заказ
Evans Virginia Grammarway 3. Students Book. Pre-Intermediate
Evans Virginia Grammarway 3. Students Book. Pre-Intermediate Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 575066
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 978-1-903128-94-7
Grammarway 3 is the third book in a four-level grammar series in full colour. Designed for learners at intermediate level, the book presents and practises English grammar structures systematically. Th... Показать описаниеis book can used to supplement any main course at intermediate level. Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 9.80. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
816.61 Добавить заказ
Evans Virginia Grammarway 4. Students Book. Intermediate. Учебн
Evans Virginia Grammarway 4. Students Book. Intermediate. Учебн Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 593743
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 978-1-903128-97-8
Grammarway 4
840.02 Добавить заказ
Evans Virginia Little Stars 1. Workbook (international) Раб.тетр
Evans Virginia Little Stars 1. Workbook (international) Раб.тетр Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 631152
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 978-1-4715-3381-5
We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing this book. Thanks are due in particular to: Meryl Philips (Editor in Chief), Julie Rich (senio... Показать описаниеr editor), Bettina Frederick, Nina Peters and Irene Diammond (editorial assistants), Alex Barton (senior production controller). We would also like to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript and whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the production of the book.
406.13 Добавить заказ
Evans Virginia Round Up Russia 4Ed new 1 SB Special
Evans Virginia Round Up Russia 4Ed new 1 SB Special Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 664436
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 978837882-591-3
New Round-Up Special Edition c доступом в MyEnglishLab - хорошо знакомая 7-ми уровневая серия пособий по грамматике для школьников теперь с дополнительным онлайн-компонентом Великолепно иллюстрированн... Показать описаниеые упражнения и игры превращают изучение грамматики в увлекательное занятие. Образовательная онлайн-платформа New Round-Up MyEnglishLab служит прекрасным дополнением к бумажному пособию: - преподаватели и ученики взаимодействуют в режиме онлайн, - ученики могут тренировать грамматику в любое время и в любом месте, - тренировочные экзаменационные материалы по ОГЭ (уровни 4 и 5) и ЕГЭ (уровень 6) позволяют лучше подготовиться к экзаменам, - все упражнения и тесты проверяются автоматически. Экзаменационные материалы для подготовки к ГИА ОГЭ и ЕГЭ разработаны экспертами ЕГЭ, ведущими методистами Language 360 А. И. Почепаевой и А. И. Немыкиной. 4-е издание. Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 6.40. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
2 108.04 Добавить заказ
Evans Virginia Round Up Russia 4Ed new Starter SB Special
Evans Virginia Round Up Russia 4Ed new Starter SB Special Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 664442
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 978837882-589-0
New Round-Up Special Edition c доступом в MyEnglishLab - хорошо знакомая 7-ми уровневая серия пособий по грамматике для школьников теперь с дополнительным онлайн-компонентом. Великолепно иллюстрирован... Показать описаниеные упражнения и комплексный подход превращают изучение грамматики c Round-Up в увлекательное занятие. Великолепно иллюстрированные упражнения и комплексный подход превращают изучение грамматики c Round-Up в увлекательное занятие. Образовательная онлайн-платформа New Round-Up MyEnglishLab служит прекрасным дополнением к бумажному пособию: - преподаватели и ученики взаимодействуют в режиме онлайн, - ученики могут тренировать грамматику в любое время и в любом месте, - тренировочные экзаменационные материалы по ОГЭ (уровни 4 и 5) и ЕГЭ (уровень 6) позволяют лучше подготовиться к экзаменам, - все упражнения и тесты проверяются автоматически. Экзаменационные материалы для подготовки к ГИА ОГЭ и ЕГЭ разработаны экспертами ЕГЭ, ведущими методистами Language 360... Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 10.00. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
2 108.04 Добавить заказ
Evans Virginia Set Sail-3. Pupils Book. Учебник
Evans Virginia Set Sail-3. Pupils Book. Учебник Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 594017
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 978-1-84466-873-1
Set Sail! is a course specially designed for teaching English at primary levels. Young learners will be captivated by the adventures of Lulu, Larry and their pet chimp, Chuckles. Set Sail! 3 comprises... Показать описание 5 modules of two units each. Each module develops a theme in an appealing and fascinating way. Set Sail! 3 follows the principles of the Common European Framework, Level A1.
594.06 Добавить заказ
Flyers 2 SB (New format)
Flyers 2 SB (New format) Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 748833
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9781316636251
Authentic examination papers for learners preparing for the revised Cambridge English: Young Learners from 2018. This collection of examination papers for Flyers provides ideal exam practice. It conta... Показать описаниеins three full-colour test papers which contain engaging activities and attractive illustrations to motivate young learners. These papers also provide an excellent opportunity for children, parents and teachers alike to familiarise themselves with the format of the revised test. An Audio CD (which contains the listening sections of the tests) and an Answer Booklet are also available separately.
2 235.30 Добавить заказ
Flyers 3 Answer Booklet (New format)
Flyers 3 Answer Booklet (New format) Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 700897
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9781108465205
Authentic examination papers for learners preparing for the revised Pre A1 Starters, A1 Movers and A2 Flyers exams as introduced in 2018. These examination papers for Pre A1 Starters, A1 Movers and A2... Показать описание Flyers provide ideal exam practice. Each set contains three full-colour test papers which contain engaging activities and attractive illustrations to motivate young learners. These papers also provide an excellent opportunity for children, parents and teachers alike to familiarise themselves.
285.18 Добавить заказ
Flyers 3 SB (New format)
Flyers 3 SB (New format) Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 700898
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9781108465168
Authentic examination papers for learners preparing for the revised Pre A1 Starters, A1 Movers and A2 Flyers exams as introduced in 2018. These examination papers for Pre A1 Starters, A1 Movers and A2... Показать описание Flyers provide ideal exam practice. Each set contains three full-colour test papers which contain engaging activities and attractive illustrations to motivate young learners. These papers also provide an excellent opportunity for children, parents and teachers alike to familiarise themselves with the format of the revised test. There are three sets of tests for each of the three levels: Pre A1 Starters, A1 Movers and A2 Flyers. Each set consists of a Student's Book with three full-colour tests, a Class CD, and an Answer Booklet.
2 235.30 Добавить заказ
Flyers A2  Mini Trainer + Audio (new format)
Flyers A2 Mini Trainer + Audio (new format) Вопросы по товару
Артикул: 748834
Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка
Атрибут: 9781108641777
This Mini Trainer provides gentle, focused exam preparation for A2 Flyers, helping to build confidence in young learners. Inside are two full-colour practice tests, together with answers online for te... Показать описаниеachers to access. Training and Exam Practice in the first test provide complete guidance on how to tackle the exam, and includes friendly online character animations to familiarise children and parents with each part of the test. The second test provides a complete run-through for assessing progress.
1 303.70 Добавить заказ
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