English World 1 Flashcards

English World 1 Flashcards

Артикул: 465299

Раздел: Изучение иностранного языка

Атрибут: 9780230024564

Цена: 7022.86

English World is a stunningly visual ten-level course which will take children through from primary to secondary. Written by the authors of bestsellers Way Ahead and Macmillan English, English World combines best practice methodology with innovative new features for the modern classroom. Active whole-class learning is supported by vibrant posters and interactive activities on the DVD-ROM. through grammar and skills work is applied in natural contexts in the real world, through dialogues and cross-curricular material. English World provides a complete package for today's teachers and pupils. Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 10.00. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
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