Evans Virginia FCE Practice Exam Papers-1 Students Book Revised

Evans Virginia FCE Practice Exam Papers-1 Students Book Revised

Артикул: 540832

Раздел: Английский язык

Атрибут: 978-1-4715-7592-1

Цена: 1223.33

The book is aimed at learners of the English language at CEF level B2 preparing for the Cambridge English First FCE/FCE(fs) Examination or any other examinations at the same level of difficulty. The book consists of: - 10 complete practice tests written in the same format as the examination itself.

- Further practice on Word Distractors, Open Cloze Sentences, Key Word Transformations and Word Formation.

- Glossary of all words tested in Paper 1 - Part 1 as well as in the Further Practice section. Рейтинг на сайте labirint.ru: 9.67. Больше картинок и возможность полистать книгу на странице.
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