Ainsworth Eve Duckling

Ainsworth Eve Duckling

Артикул: 891141

Раздел: Художественная литература на англ. языке

Атрибут: 9781529157246

Цена: 2144.96

Duckling 's a nickname Lucy has never been able to shake off. And, if she's honest, maybe it suits her. She just isn't the type to socialise with other people. You might say she's reluctant to leave her nest. Lucy's life is small, but safe. She's got a good routine. But all that's about to change. When Lucy's neighbour asks her to look after her little girl for a couple of hours - and then doesn't come back - Lucy is suddenly responsible for someone other than herself. It takes courage to let the outside world in, and Lucy's about to learn there's much more to life - but only if she's brave enough to spread her wings.
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