Andrus Aubre Dodo, The: NubbyS Story'

Andrus Aubre Dodo, The: NubbyS Story'

Артикул: 919107

Раздел: Книги на английском языке

Атрибут: 9781338645101

Цена: 1360.41

When Nubby the boxer was born, there was something different about him. That's because Nubby was born without his two front legs. He was so small and so sick. The humans who rescued him weren't sure he would make it. But after a little while, Nubby started to get better. Soon, Nubby was well enough to try to walk. But without his front legs, Nubby had to scoot or hop from place to place. Nubby's family knew this one-of-a-kind pup would need a little extra help getting around.
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